10. Conques

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Supper, for once, was uneventful. I bid everyone a goodnight and headed straight for my bedroom, not hearing any footsteps behind me for the first time in a couple days. I smiled, walked into my room and got ready for bed. I fell asleep not even ten minutes later.


I opened my eyes to see the light shining in through my curtains. I stretched and for once, I felt only a slight amount of pain. I yawned and went into my bathroom. I splashed some water on my face and looked at myself in the mirror.

I think I'll go to Conques today. I've been meaning to get some riding in on Buttercup, and I miss the kids. I'm sure they will have plenty of stories to tell me when I get there. I walked back into my room and went to my wardrobe.

"What should I wear today?" I asked myself, looking into my wardrobe. I picked out a dark purple dress, since darker colors go better with my skin tone. And it will not be as noticeable if I get dirt on it.

I slipped it on and applied make up so that the bruises wouldn't show. I put my hair up into a braided bun and left my room. Father will kill me if I go alone... maybe Nathaniel and Johnathon will come with me? Katherine doesn't care for riding on horseback, and she has a lot of stuff to do today. I did the steps to the waltz towards my brother's rooms.

I knocked on Johnathon's door first, then went to the door next to it and knocked on Nathaniel's. I stood on the opposite side of the hallway in between their rooms and waited for them to come out. I leaned against the wall and fiddled with my fingers.

Johnathon came out first. His head popped out of his room, and, as per usual, his hair was a mess. He's a very restless sleeper. Johnathon scanned the hall and saw me, relaxing slightly. I smiled and pushed myself off the wall.

"Would you like to go to Conques with me? It's a beautiful day." I asked, walking towards his room. His eyes widened and he shut the door more, with the door resting on his neck. Don't tell me he's with another girl.

"Conques... oh! Of course! It's been a while since we've been there. I'll meet you down at the stables... do you mind if I bring someone with?" Johnathon asked, biting his lip and giving me a begging look. I gave him a confused look but nodded.

"Sure. Be down at the stables in twenty minutes. We want to head out as soon as possible!" I said, walking to Nathaniel's room. Nathaniel's a hard sleeper. He could sleep through a tornado.

I knocked on his door again and he opened his door, rubbing his eyes with his hands in fists. He's such a baby sometimes. He was shirtless and his black hair was messy. He was squinting his eyes, like it was too bright.

"What, Angelica? It's too early." He whined, yawning. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"I'm going down to Conques for the day. Would you like to join me?" I asked.

His eyes snapped open. "Of course I'm coming! What are we going to do?" He asked, now wide awake. I shrugged.

"I was going to visit the kids, the library, and get some sweets. Then, just spend some quality time with my brothers. Although it might be only you, since Johnathon is bringing the girl he spent the night with." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. Nathaniel laughed.

Him and I used to take bets on who he'd sleep with each night. Let's just say I made a lot of money before Johnathon found out and shut us down. We still keep a tally with who wins.

"Who's it this time? Elizabeth? Margret? Oh! I'm guessing Rose. He's been with her more lately." Nathaniel joked, leaning farther out of his room and looking towards Johnathon's door. I heard the click of his door opening and I slipped into Nathaniel's room, to hide myself better.

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