11. Brotherly Time

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"Where's Johnathon?" I asked, putting my new pictures, books, and some sweets from the market into the picnic basket for safe keeping.

"I don't know. His horse is gone. He probably went home without us." Nathaniel replied, shrugging. I looked up at the sun. It was about noon.

"We have a lot of daylight left... want to go down to the lake and eat?" I asked. Nathaniel nodded and I grabbed the picnic basket.

"How's Alex doing?" Nathaniel asked suddenly. I stumbled and regained my standings on the uneven forest floor. I blushed, but Nathaniel's head held high. "He's-uhm... why would I- how would I-I think he's good?" I stuttered.

"Oh. I thought you'd know since I saw him come into your room this morning." Nathaniel prodded. I gasped and slapped his arm. "Nothing like that happened. He just came by my room and he asked to talk and we talked. That's it!" I exclaimed, slapping his arm again.

We reached the lake and I laid out a blanket. I set down the basket and sat down by it. I opened the container and brought out some cheese and meats with some fruit. Nathaniel sat down and we started to dig in. We talked for about an hour before Nathaniel popped the question.

"Angelica?" He asked after we finished lunch. I hummed in response. "Do you have feelings for Alex?" I blushed and fiddled with the grass poking through the blanket.

"I... uhm... I do have... feelings... But please don't tell Papa. He'll freak out if he finds out and I don't want him interfering in my love life." I rambled. Nathaniel put his hands up in surrender and shook his head.

"I'd never tell Papa anything. I won't even tell Johnathon. But he's probably figured it out already, with your secret glances towards Alex at supper." Nathaniel said. I groaned and let my head fall into my hands. "You really think I wouldn't notice it?" Nathaniel asked.

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. "We should probably head back if we want to make it back for supper." Nathaniel mused, standing up. I nodded and copied, picking up the basket. Nathaniel grabbed the blanket and we walked back to our horses.


Once we got back to the palace, Nathaniel and I went to look for our brother. We walked down the hallway towards his room.

"Johnathon!" Nathaniel called. I knocked on his door and no one answered. I knocked again and came up with the same outcome. I glanced over at Nathaniel and he just shrugged. I opened the door and peeked into John's room.

"John?" I called. No answer. I closed the door and leaned against it. He wasn't in the library. He hates reading. He's not at the stables, we were just there. Not in the kitchen.

"Where could he be?" I asked, crossing my arms over each other. Nathaniel scratched his head and looked outside. The sun was starting to get low in the sky. Supper should be starting soon.

"I don't know, but I'm sure we'll see him at supper. I'm going to go get ready. I'll see you in the dining room!" Nathaniel said, walking to his room. "See you there." I replied, picking up the basket.


I walked into my room and left the door open, since I'll be leaving soon anyways. I went to my 'study' wall and set down the basket. I sifted through it and took out one of the books, putting it onto my nightstand so that I could read it later. I took out the pictures and looked at each one.

A few things that appeared on the pages were a horse, a duel, me with a big crown, me with the children holding hands, a forest, and some of them drew self portraits. They've been getting good at drawing.

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