20. Not the Sweet You Think.

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I walked into the dining room, pain in each step. I have no clue what Papa did, but it hurt to pretend I was fine. I shoved a small smile onto my face and sat down in my spot. I was all by myself for a little while, and I mindlessly fiddled with my necklace.

The door opened and I heard a group of people talking. I didn't hear Alex's voice though. Everyone filed in and took their seats, including... Elizabeth. I bit my tongue and smiled, standing up when everyone came in. What's she doing here?!

"Hello, Angelica." Thomas said, smugly. He was grinning from ear to ear and looking me up and down. I bit my tongue and sat back down. Biting my tongue seems to be the only way I shut up and don't say anything.

I looked up and saw that Elizabeth was sat next to Alexander- no. On top of him. I tried to hide my disgust but ended up looking to my right and left. Where my brothers were supposed to be sitting. Joan was one seat down from me.

"I thought you were heading back to your kingdom after my party, Princess." I stated, trying my hardest to sound polite. She looked over at me and sweetly smiled at me. Not puppy or kitten sweet. Like old creepy woman wanting to give you poisonous cookies sweet.

"Not with an angel possibly verbally attacking my fiancé. He needs someone to protect him." She replied sweetly, messing with Alex's hair. Alex seemed slightly uncomfortable, but he didn't look at me. Not once. Did he- I shook my head slightly and avoided all contact towards him.

"Where are Nathaniel and Johnathon?" Marie asked me as the food was served. I opened my mouth to speak, but Papa interrupted me.

"I sent them on an errand to Italy." He explained. As soon as he spoke, all of the confidence I had earlier flew out the window. I started to push my food around my plate, my appetite gone. It looked delicious, but I wasn't hungry. How is it so easy for him to make me feel scared? Even at the sound of his voice?  

"Angelica?" I looked up. "Are you still considering my offer?" Thomas asked me. I raised an eyebrow. Which offer? He's made multiple. All of them I had declined immediately.

"What offer?" I replied. "You know what one I'm talking about." Thomas said, winking at me. "I thought that I had told you my decision on that particular offer. I"

"She'd gladly take up your offer. Just say when and where, right Angelica?" Papa answered, looking pointedly at me. I glanced towards Alex, subconsciously. He was confused, and I felt my heart clench.

I tore my gaze away from him when I saw Elizabeth glare at me. She looked up and smiled at Alexander, causing Alex to look down and- I looked away. Moving so that he was completely out of my peripheral vision.

"Yes, Papa." I muttered. Alex's head shot up to me, and I had a little bit of hope. But then his eyes went behind me.

"Could you me about that beautiful painting? I've admired it for some time." He said. As Papa dove into a long story of the dumb painting behind me and I just looked down at my plate for the remainder of the meal.

***the next day***

I aimlessly walked down the hallway, humming. I heard footsteps behind me, but I ignored them. It was probably a maid walking around.

"Good afternoon, your majesty." Jacky greeted, nodding her head at me. Her arms were full of towels. She must be on laundry duty today.

"Good afternoon, Jacky. How are your siblings?" I replied, stopping. The footsteps behind me stopped too. Odd. "They're good, Princess. I could use some advice on where to take them on my off time." She said.

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