Chapter 8-Chaos

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The next few minutes were insane as the boys' phones started ringing off the hook, seeing Doctor Zankich chew out her daughter you suddenly gained more respect for her stiff composure.  Luke looked quite anxious as he fiercely talked into his cellphone, Mikey and the other boys just looked downright upset by what the person on the other line was saying to them.

It seemed like an hour before the boys actually sat down to think, you look at Luke and he sighs running his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"So what does your boys' manager make of all of this?" asked Doctor Zankich gazing at each of the boys while strategecically blocking Macy's view of them.  She was probably afraid Macy would start taking photos to prove that she had actually met them.

Luke just shrugged chewing his lip, he replied with a touch of anger in his voice "Well he said that we're in huge trouble and that by leaking our info to the press your daughter has basically screwed all of us over".  To her credit Macy actually had the sense to cower behind her mother, who did not only look pissed but looked like she was going to pillage a village single handedly.  She whirled around to face Macy, from behind you could see that Doctor Zankich's fists were clenched and her stance looked extremely ominous.

"How could you? I thought I told you NO internet! then you go and do this! oh I outta!" Doctor Zankich raises her fist and swings at Macy. You see Macy try to avoid her mother's punch but her reflexes are to slow, and the two surfaces collide with a sickening crunch.

Nothing but silence envelops the room and then a blood curdling scream echoes in the small space with such ferocity it makes your skin crawl.  Without thinking you scramble to your feet and pull Macy behind you, you had seen this scene many a time before and it never ended pretty.  Doctor Zankich advanced on you, she looked like an absolute maniac with spittle flying out of her mouth as she screeched at you.

 "Move Miranda!" she said while quickly inching closer, when you shook your head and made it clear that you were not moving she laughed "Stupid girl! I will hurt you if I have to!".   

As soon as she stood in front of you she reached out to hit you, you put up your hands to protect your face but when the impact didn't come you lowered your arms surprised at the scene in front of you.  Luke had grabbed the Doctor by her wrists and had pinned her against the wall, this was one of times that Luke's outrageous height and stature had given him the advantage.  The Doctor was trying to escape Luke's grip but the way he had her prevented her from doing any damage, she couldn't kick, hit, or headbutt him.  "Let me go!" she shouted maniacly "LET ME GO!" she screamed when Luke made it clear that he wasn't going to let her go she sagged against the wall, burying her nose in the corner.  You laughed you couldn't imagine that the corner smelt very good and this lead you into a giggling fit which lead you into a crazy clown laughing fit.  Luke looked at you like you had lost your mind but Cal and Mikey just smiled, the Doctor clearly didn't find any of this very funny and just glared at you evilly.  It had only been Ten minutes when a cellphone blared out the most obnoxious ringtone you had ever heard.

Luke looked frantic "That's my phone" He said his voice sounding tight everyone froze for a millisecond and that's when Doctor Zankich took her chance for escaping.  She didn't help herself at all because Luke quickly caught on and pressed her against the wall with more force.  "I got!" I said walking up to Luke "Where's your phone?" you asked him, he blushed and said "In my pants pocket in the back".  "Oh" you said not wanting to help now that you knew where his phone was but you walked behind him and carefully extracted the phone from his left pocket.  "What do I do now?" you asked confused Luke just sighed "Answer the damn phone" he said,  "Hello?" you asked.  "Lucas Robert Hemmings! do you know how long I've been trying to call you wait who is this?" your mouth doesn't seem to want to move "Hello?" the person asks.

You open and close your mouth trying to get out the words but again you fail "Answer me!" the voice yells.  "Um this is Miranda Luke's busy right now" the stranger sighed heavilly and said "I need to talk to him", "Well you're on speaker so speak" you replied sassily". "It's kinda personal" the voice replies with a sharp edge "Sorry there's no privavcy here" you reply in an ice cold voice. There's a pause on the other end of the line and then "Do you know what you've done Luke! bringing in a girl and then not responding to the other boys' or my phone calls, you've completely ruined what we've worked for as a team!".  You glance at Luke to see his face clouded with a mix of anxiety and anger he looks like he wants to kill the person yelling at him through the phone.

As the person continues to yell all you can do is stare at Luke who's expression continues to darken as each poison filled word echoes out of the phone.  You want to cry because you can see the pain the person is putting Luke in, finally you tear your eyes away.  "That's enough!" you shout in a voice like thunder everyone seems to be frozen in time.  "All you've done is criticized Luke for his actions and we can't deal with this right now so we will contact you later" you say in a voice that says your decision is final and not to mess with you. The person on the other end starts to protest but you hang up the phone angrily.

Its Doctor Zankich who breaks the heavy silence "So what are you going to do now?" you look at everyone in the room and sigh "Well we're going to let you go as long as you promise you're not going to come after your daughter and then figure the rest out from there".  Reluctantly Doctor Zankich agrees not to 'discipline' her daughter and sits in the chair by your hospital bed. "So what are we going to do Miranda?" asks Mikey you shake your head "I don't know we need to figure out how to get out of here without being spotted by the press".

It had been an hour of waiting and reconaissance (done by Macy) until Luke had decided it was safe to leave the hospital and meet up with his manager.

Sneaking out of the hospital was easier when you had a head Doctor escorting you, as you approached the door you noticed that you couldn't see anything. Doctor Zankich noticed your confusion and replied with "The doors are glazed so people can't look in". "Oh" you replied suddenly feeling stupid.

"Okay do have everything you need?" asked the Doctor who looked at each person with a stoic expression, everyone muttered a 'yes'. "Alrighty then out with you all and remember Miranda take the medication I prescribed and clean your wounds with the wound care kit twice a day" Doctor Zankich commented unlocking the doors and then stepping away to allow your group access.  "Will do Doctor thankyou for all your help" you said offering your hand to her and after a moments hesitaton she shook it firmly.

Your hand hovered over the door knob as if it held the answer to all of life's problems on the other side, you took a deep breath and opened the door only to have your eyes blinded by intense sunlight.  Someone jerked you back and as your eyes adjusted you saw why.  The whole entire parking lot was filled with screaming fangirls and Press who suddenly jumped to life as soon as you had walked out the door.

"Oh we are fucked!" shouted Luke and just like that your first sign of freedom was crushed by the ignorance of one little girl. 

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