Him ( A little peice of heaven)

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"Everyone wants happiness, nobody wants pain but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain"                                                               -Unknown


That's what I love about the rain it reminds me that even though life is hard something beautiful blossoms from the pain.  Which is the case for me most of the time but right now it was getting hard for me to see the beauty in most things, I want to but something is missing and it feels as if everything around me is dull.

Walking around a couple making out in the hallway you feel a pang in your chest reminding you of him and how he kissed you, shaking the memory you make your way to the library in pursuit of some peace and quiet and most importantly aloneness.  Picking a table in the back of the library in a corner you sit down and pull out your sketch book and your ipod, clicking on your 'sad' playlist you set a timer to tell you when lunch ends.

Tapping your pencil against your bottom lip you start to sketch absentmindedly thinking about him even though you promised yourself you wouldn't, you think about the time you used to sit in the cafeteria with him and laughed about nothing.  "Hey Mir you remember when we first met and I totally covered you in smoothie" He asks you, you smile and roll your eyes "Of course I remember I was wearing my favorite shirt and you ruined it" he laughs squeezing your hand "Yep but it was totally worth it" he says "Why was it totally worth it ruining my favorite shirt?" you ask him confused "Because I met you" he said kissing you gently.

"Ehem" refusing to look up you feel someone tap your shoulder pulling out your ear buds you ask "Can I help you?" looking up your eyes go wide above you stands a tall stranger with the most dazzling ocean blue eyes.  "I beleive your sitting at my table" he replies raising his eyebrows, he coughs a little snapping you out of your daze you reply "Oh um I'm sorry I thought this table was abandoned I've been sitting here for weeks and nobody has seemed to claim it" chuckling deeply he replies "That's fine I was just wondering if you could move over so we could share it".

Quickly gathering your things into a circle around you, you scoot to the farethest edge of the table to allow this handsome stranger some space.  "So what's your name?" he asks looking at you curiously "My name is Miranda what is your name?" smiling he replies "My name is Luke" still frazzled by his gorgeousness you nod like an idiot.  You glance at the clock on your phone 20 minutes til lunch is over you sigh, he looks at you looking at your phone "Am I that boring" he asks smirking you shake your head "I'm just joking with you so Miranda what do you like to do?" he inquires "I like to draw and I sing a little, music is my passion what do you like to do Luke?" snorting he replies sarcastically "Now you're just playing dumb" confused and a little bit offended you say "I am not playing dumb if I asked you a question then I don't know".  Shaking his head he looks at you in wonderment "You really don't know do you" you shake your head "Well Miranda I like to sing and I also play guitar".  "That's pretty cool I tried teaching myself guitar but my guitar was broken so it never sounded right" you reply, he just chuckles tapping his fingers rythmicly "Off key guitars never workout you still have singing at least" you shake your head "No I'll never be a superstar or anything I just like to sing because it helps me express my soul it replaces words when you can find none".

He looks at you like you have grown a 3rd head "It replaces words when you can find none? I'm pretty sure that you need words to sing a song" he says matter of factly, you shake your head "Ah see that is where you are wrong my friend you don't need words to sing a song just let different sounds come out anything can be a song" you finish a smile creeping on to your face.  Looking at you his eyes glimmer with something unreadable you cock your head trying to dechiper what the exact emotion is, he catches you looking and you feel your cheeks heatup you look down pretending to pick at a nonexistent string on your shirt.

"Will you sing for me?" he asks you quietly you start to say no but then you look at him and I mean really look at him and you see a flicker of sadness in his dazzling blue eyes and you recognize it because you see it everyday in the mirror, someone had broken the spirit of this beautiful boy and you suddenly hate that person for harming such a gentle and funny person. You clear your throat and hum a little to get prepared "Lost and insecure you found me,you found me lying on the floor where you where you why'd you have to wait to find me to find me-ee-ee-e to find me" you look at him expectantly but all he does is stare at you blankly.

"Luke are you alright?Luke?" you shake his shoulder and you feel him shiver under your hand "Luke?" you ask but you can see that he is faraway in another place, you try softly shaking him again but it doesn't work.  You take his hand in yours with trembling fingers "Luke come back I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you Luke please" you squeeze his hand twice "Luke".  He shudders looking suffciently disturbed he squeezes your hand hard "Luke are you alright what happened?" you ask concern filling your voice "You sing like her she was so beautiful but she's gone she's gone..." he trails off clinging to your hand like a lifeline, "Luke look at me Luke hey remember me lunch is almost over we have to go its time to go Luke".

He let's go of your hand quickly and shakes his head "I'm sorry I'm so sorry I-I have to go" he says running from you and then bolting out the library door, leaving you feeling very sad trying think of what you did wrong.

Him ( A little peice of heaven)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum