Chapter 5- Miscellaneous

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"Okay Miranda I need you to try to stretch your arm" Doctor Zankich says, you look at her mentally killing her on the spot you try but only a couple of your fingers twitch while the rest of your arm stays still. "Well that's a start" she says nicely you huff frustratedly "Yeah and by a start don't you mean epic fail".  Luke snorts softly Doctor Zankich whips her head around to look at him and says "Don't you start rubbing your negativity off on your sister she needs all the support she can get with the horrible parental unit you guys have" the look on his face was that of absolute surprise, you couldn't help but snicker.  "Okay Miranda I think thats enough physical therapy for one day you can go back to your room now". Doctor Zankich says helping you up from the chair you were currently sitting in, you detect a note of worry and tiredness in her voice.  

Luke wheels you slowly down the hall towards your hospital room "Why are you helping me? I've been nothing but rude to you" you ask him absentmindedly, he sighs "I've already told you that answer no ones going to miss me. So its the least I can do, for being a jerk to you", you laugh quietly "Are you sure thats all?" he snorts indignantly and replies in a sharp tone "Yes thats all".  His phone starts blaring a very obnoxious ringtone and your wheelchair skids to a stop "Yes", you hear him say into the phone "Cal I already told you I'm fine and I'm not doing anything stupid so don't worry about me".  You hear the other person shout something very angrily "No! someone very important needs me right now and I'm not coming back any time soon so get over it, if you want to visit me than thats fine but I'm not coming there".

The person on the other end starts speaking rapidly "Cal calm down, no you cannot bring him only the other dudes and you have to come under disguse," "Yes I will give you the address just calm down" Luke says gruffly.  You turn your head to glance at him but quickly look away when you see him staring down at you,"Okay are you ready for the address?" Luke asks. The person mumbles something quiet and indistinct Luke makes a face that looks like he's eating lemons, "I understand that but this is my choice and you have no say in it ".  You hear shouting then silence on the other line.  Then the voice says very clearly "Fine but we'll there in 20 minutes", Luke looks outraged and goes to answer but is cut off by the beeping sound telling you that the other person has hung up.

"Luke what's going on" you ask he justs shakes his head and continues wheeling you towards your room, "Luke! you need to tell me who are these guys? why are they coming?why do you get so many calls?".  You glance at him expectantly but he just pursues his lips and doesn't say anything. You can feel your face turning red with anger and you hit the brake that stop your wheels, he flinches and lets go of your wheelchair which causes you to flip out of your chair and go flying through the air.

You see everything in slow motion and suddenly you're in your car and you see it get smashed into tiny peices and you see yourself get thrown around like a rag doll, you see blood everywhere. Everything is covered in blood you scream. You feel the blood trickling into your lungs until you can't breathe and you cough trying to get air but all that comes out is blood your blood.  You see a face above you asking you something but its to faint to make out, all you can think before things go dark is that the face looks like an angel.

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