Chapter 1- Old Problems

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3 months later

It had been along time since you had encountered Luke you still remember the encounter in the library like it was yesterday but you try not to remember it because of how he made you feel. Stupid, stupid enough to trust a person you just met you vowed from that day forward that you wouldn't let charisma and looks win you over,ever.

You started to become less social and intstead decided to keep to yourself,within a matter of weeks your life had become non-existent.

Every where you went people stared at you wondering what had happened to drive you so close to the edge, your parents had become more overprotective and they started making you see counselors fat load of good that did them.  It wasn't just Luke that had caused you to be this way but everything else that was happening in your screwed up life your mom got colon cancer and your boyfriend broke up with you because you wouldn't stop hanging out with your friends.  Your brother's wedding was coming up in a few months and everyone was pressuring you to lose weight so that you would look good in the dress, one day you decided that it was just to much for you and you started to cut.

Every time you drew the blade across your skin you thought of all the people you had hurt and how ugly and useless you were you deserved this pain and you pressed harder leaving wounds that throbbed and bled.  In that one week you tried to commit suicide twice unsucesfully crying to yourself you didn't want to die and it was true you didn't the pain was just consuming you.

Walking with your head down you grunt as you bump into someone "Sorry" you mumble when the person doesn't move you look up and see Luke standing above you, you look down again and ask "What do you want?" you feel gentle fingers lift you chin up. "That's better you're so pretty you don't need to be looking down" he says you swallow the lump in your throat the tears threatning to come to the surface.  Looking you in the eye he says "I'm really sorry for freaking out on you I want a redo I know that it has been really hard for you these past weeks I heard that you started to withdraw yourself and I just couldn't let such a beautiful person go to waste because I know how you feel I've been there".  You look at him and say "I doubt you know what I've been going through your life is just so perfect" he shakes his head sorrowfully "If that's what you think your wrong my life is a living hell sure it might seem perfect from the outside but it really isn't" he says letting go of you, "Whatever" you say walking away from him.

"Wait Miranda please,please wait!" he shouts after you but you ignore him making your way to the front doors of the school and slamming them open.  You walk as fast as you can to your car unlocking it and throughing your bag in, just as you get in he grabs your arm "Please I'm trying to apologize to you" you shrug him off and say "Well I don't want to hear it now leave me alone" he looks at you for a moment and then he says very calmly "No I won't" you look at him incredously "What did you just say?".  "You heard me I'm not going to leave you alone because I don't want to see you through your life away" he says holding your car door open you try closing it but to no avail, "Look I get that you want to apologize but I don't want to talk to you I had just met you when you freaked out on me and that was toatally uncalled for, I'm dealing with alot of things and I don't have time for this so if you would be kind enough to let go of my car door I need to be somewhere".  He let's go closes your door, and backs away you pull out of the parking lot flipping him off, you laugh at the look on his face and think to yourself how much that jerk deserved that.

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