Chapter 2- Sorrows

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On the way to the hospital you realize you forgot to pickup some food for your dad and make a u-turn heading towards the nearest Wendy's drive through ordering the food you pull out of the drive through with 5 minutes to get the hospital you curse under your breath and step on the gas.  Not paying attention you make a fast left turn into traffic you meet a semi-truck head on trying to miss it you swerve away crashing into a guard rail time seems to slow down and you see your head hit the steering wheel, and your window shatter littering peices of glass into your skin. Everything goes black and life as you know it seems to fade away.

You gasp and sit up confused you're sitting a meadow surrounded by grass, flowers and a waterfall you get up and start walking towards the waterfall only to find a bridge nestled between two rocks.  You start walking to the bridge drawn to its perfect glow, "Wait! a voice says you stand frozen and turn around, you see Luke behind you "Don't cross that bridge Mir" you roll your eyes and keep on walking. "Mir remember what happened you need to come back" you whirl around looking at him "No! I like it here", you start walking again and suddenly he's right beside you "Mir your arm" you look down.  Your arm is covered in blood with little peices of glass stuck in it, you scream trying to get the glass out you look up at Luke and he smiles gruesomely "Wake up Mir".

You sit bolt upright in the hospital bed you gasp for air trying to catch your breath you start to have a panic attack, hearing alarms go off you start to panic more and you pass out.  Going in out out of consciousness you see doctors above you and voices saying things like "She's lucky she survived" and "She's not looking to good".

After what feels like forever you wake up from what seemed like a very long nap, you groan trying to sit up "I wouldn't do that if I were you darling you're pretty injured". Recognizing the voice right away you hiss "Why're you here Luke?" he snorts "A thanks would suffice I'm here because I heard what happened and I was the first person they could contact to help you, and get all the paper work filled out if they ask I'm your brother". You laugh shortly "Thanks and if they ask I'll tell them your trying to kidnap me" he looks at you disbelieving "Uh no you won't because I'm the only one who can help you now", looking at him you ask cautiously "What do you mean your the only one who can help me now?".

He looks at you sadly and says gently "Miranda I know its bad timing and I'm so sorry to be the one that tells you this but well your mom she uh she stopped breathing in surgery and your dad he left the hospital and no one knows where he is", you shake your head "No that's not true she said she was fine I- no that's a lie your lying" you finish with a snarl. You can feel your heart beating fast "Mir calm down your gonna make yourself sick" he says, you look at him with a fire in your eyes "DO NOT CALL ME THAT!" you shout you hear alarms going off again. "Miranda you need to breathe calm down please" you hear Luke plead which only makes you angrier who is he to tell you what to do, without meaning to you make yourself passout again.

You wakeup to the steady beeping of a monitor judging from the darkness in the room you guess the time to be around 8:00 at night, you turn your head to the left and see Luke sleeping in a chair next to your bed, you watch him sleep for a minute but soon get tired of the activity and clear your throat loudly he jumps in his chair you stifle a laugh he narrows his eyes and sticks his tongue out at you.  "How long will I be in here" you ask him he looks at you amusement written all over his face "Honey you aren't going to get out of here anytime soon you just got into a major car crash" he says, you huff "Don't call me honey either" he puts his arms up in a gesture of surrender.  "Fine it'll probably be 3-4 days until they release you and I'm going be here every single day until they let you go and I'll be with you after to take of you" he says cheerily.

You sigh seeing no way to get out of this arguement "Has anyone found my dad?" you ask him, he shakes his head "Sorry Miranda they're looking everywhere" you laugh remorsely. "I knew he wouldn't stay long after all he was seeing another woman, while my poor mom had to deal with cancer a cheating husband and a depressed daughter I guess its good that she's gone that she doesn't have to deal with this hell hole called life". He looks at you his ocean blue eyes radiating pity you look at him tears in your eyes "Don't give me that look please I've seen it to many times before" you look away when you see his face change into a sad look.

"I have no one" you cry taking in shaky breaths "No one at all my mom was the only family I had, now I'm stuck here when she should be alive instead of me". You finish sobs wracking your injured body you feel strong arms hug you close and in the comfort of the arms you let it all go, the pain from your mom's death the pain of abandonedment and lastly the pain from your limbs.

You stop crying but instead whimper and hold on to Luke for dear life, you stay like that for a long time not caring what he thinks but just needing the closeness of him to stop you from slipping away into oblivion.

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