I have been crying myself to sleep all alone with an empty void in my heart. We, as the pack, have tried searching for Xander all around but to no avail.

We have had witches chant their spells and putting locating spells. They tried a blood bond with me, they tried locating with him with my blood and some ash. The whole map went up in flames, they said something about a cloaking spell. I think that was the reason there was a barrier. They said that someone was trying to hide him.

At least I had the assurance that my mate was alive but our bond had been killed.

I couldn't feel him at all.

All the emotions were just gone. Woke up on morning and I couldn't feel my mate. It was like the connection between us had been torn and it hurt so much.

It hurt so much. So much.

So much for having alpha blood in my system. Did I even introduce myself? Please forgive me I don't think I did.

My name is Stacey Green. I'm a girl who lost her mate almost two years ago, Xander Green. I'm currently in the state of depression because of that loss. I mean, would you be strong if you felt like half of your soul was taken from you? I dont think so.

Away from the sadness. I think all werewolf lives are hard and mine been one of them. I mean we have to deal with rogues, hunters, betrayal from the pack, harsh mother in laws, wait that's just me I guess. All the dangers that come with been a supernatural.

In the future I will man up and go find my man. However, in the mean time let me continue with my sadness peacefully.


I snap out of my thoughts and head to the bathroom before any unwanted emotions drown me again.

I stand under the cold running water, my head leaning on the cold tiles. I recall some of the memories I shared with him, my beloved.

"Stacey, l love you." I heard a far whisper. It sounded like the person was behind me but still miles away. It sounded like Xander.

I turn expecting to be greeted by the brown eyes I had grown to love and adore. I'm met with an empty space. Silence, awful silence.

"Don't look away from me. You are beautiful. And you will always be."

I hear that voice again.

It has to be him.

I turn and find an empty space.

I close my eyes and slide to the floor letting the tears run freely down my face.

Fuck I missed him so much. I would do anything just to have him back. Even for a second.

"Anything," I whispered to myself as I let the silent tears fall.


I finally get out of the shower feeling mentally exhausted and in dire need of sleep. I needed to eat but I didn't have the strength to leave my room. I need sleep.

How could I sleep when my mate was some where unknown?

I couldn't even get a moment of peace. I saw him everywhere.

I see him in my dreams.

On the couch.

In the kitchen.

In his office.

In our bedroom.

He is everywhere.

It is like his shadow is lurking in all corners of this dreadful house, taunting me for leaving him. I didn't want to leave him, I really didn't.

That hurt a lot. Seeing him hurt a lot. Knowing that I could not even touch him. Not even the chance to apologize for making the most stupid decision in my life.

I laid myself on my bed and allowed myself to be drowned in my memories, our memories.

I want him back.

Why couldn't I have him back?

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.

I still don't have an actual time for updates but I will try and be consistent.

This is my first book ever or in a long time so I'd appreciate any constructive help.




~Black-Wicked 🐺



Continue reading.


This is me later in 2024, rewriting parts of this book, making some corrections and filling plot holes. Hope you enjoy this book.

MY 18th BIRTHDAY (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now