00 : 00. Bᴀᴄᴋ ʜᴏᴍᴇ

Depuis le début

The thought of her hating him and him not seeing her every again brought much more pain to him than all the possible tortures these people could do to him.

"You've upset us a lot, kid." The boy heard the man walk towards him and he closed his eyes, breathing deeply, bracing himself for what's to come.

"It wasn't so smart of you to escape like that." The man knelt next to him, lighting his cigarette and inhaling a good chunk of it on his lungs. The boy didn't respond.

"I really wouldn't do what you did again if you want your little friend to be safe."

His eyes snapped open and his body tensed. No, not his little angel with curly black hair and soft blue eyes and the kindest, warmest of smiles.

He would die before something happened to her.

Straightening up, the boy supported himself by sagging his shoulders against the wall, looking at the man with frightened and widened eyes.

The man's smile dropped. It was something that occurred once in a million years. In contrast to his friend, this man wasn't easy to piss off or madden.

What had happened to his creation? Years, it had been years since he saw the slightest flicker of emotion on this boy's face. He was perfect! Absolutely perfect.

Then a little girl came into the picture and ruined everything! It messed with what they had tried so hard to achieve. Who the f*ck was she to mess with what belonged to them?

"Listen here, kid." The man gripped him by the throat tightly for him not to be able to escape, pulling him close to him. The smell of cigarettes and alcohol invaded the boy's nostrils.

"Forget about them. You'll never see those f*cking people again. You don't have a family, you heard me? You don't have a family! Get that into your f*cking stupid head. THIS place is your home."

After having said that, he threw him against the wall viciously, the back of the boy's head colliding with the hard concrete wall. He was on the verge of blacking out, a sweet, painless sleep wishing to envelop him in its arms until someone threw cold water at him and his body shuddered awake.

The boy gasped for air as if he'd been deprived of it. But still, despite the boy's poor condition, the monster in front of him wasn't satisfied. It wasn't enough. He wasn't where he wanted to be! He needed to do something more. This young boy in front of him could become something much more.

He wasn't broken enough...Unlike his careless, mindless friend Claus, this man had realized that physical pain wasn't going to affect him. No, he needed to use something worse.

"How naive of you." The man sat in front of the boy, laughing at his state. "You really thought they care about you. Why would they care about you?"

The boy didn't reply however he couldn't hide the flicker of emotion on his face.

"Look at you. Why do you think your parents left you, huh? You're a monster, son! They were disgusted by you."

His taunting words were knives slicing his sanity, hope bleeding out of him from the newly inflicted wounds.

Nevertheless, the boy shook his head, not convinced. No, he shouldn't listen to whatever this man was saying. They were lies. Complete lies.

But were they? Where were his parents? He's been caged in this hell hole for eternity. So long he couldn't remember the first day he was thrown here. Never once did they look for him. They simply didn't care.

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