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It was a bright morning and the pitch was scattered with people watching in the stands. Slytherin try outs were commencing.

Y/n felt comfortable as she wore her Quidditch uniform and stood to the side with her broom - which was the latest one she purchased when she heard about the new school year.

There were around twenty to twenty five other slytherins facing Draco Malfoy, the Team Captain, with Blaise on his right, who was the lead chaser.

Together they had already formulated drills and game plans but right now their focus was trying to create the most elite team to win the cup this year.

" Thank you for attending try outs - the way this'll go is we'll play a long game and switch players around for certain positions until Blaise and I think we've got the perfect team."

Draco said loudly to the group.

" Today is your only chance to prove you'll be the perfect asset to the team. I understand we had a team last year but we have to be fair and take everyone into consideration. Let's begin with the original team though, just to see if we've improved"

Blaise said proudly as himself and Draco rose on their brooms. The original team from the previous year rose leaving a large group standing on the pitch.

Y/n rose on her broom with her beater bat. The previous beater she used to work with left last year - they didn't play any quidditch during the war last year either so it had been a solid year since she played, which made her nervous. Regardless she took her position with a firm grip on her bat.

She caught Draco staring at her and she smiled before he smiled back and turned away.

She looked at the stands and could make out Hermione and Luna, who waved at her. She smiled nervously at them before concentrating on the game.
Before she knew it the game started and she already caught sight of a bludger making it's way towards one of their chasers.

She leaned forward and with a mighty swing she hit it back.

To be honest she found it quite difficult working by herself before a person was subbed in to try in.

She smiled at the sixth year who had a determined look on his face. He nodded at her before they took off , keeping an eye on each other and the bludgers.

Beaters had to communicate when possible to avoid them going for the same bludger when another one could be on its course.

He was pretty good and had a good amount of strength in his hit. His aim was a little off but regardless his strength was good.

He was subbed out before Theo Nott was subbed in with a bat in his hand.

Y/n's eyes widened as she recognised him. She hadn't heard about him for quite some time. He nodded at her before heading off.

Theodore was good. His power and aim were excellent and y/n felt more synchronized with him.

Y/n knew her aim was good and she could really hit a bludger.

She was watching around the pitch as she saw Draco and another Seeker chasing a glimmer. She smirked before the colour from her face drained when she saw a bludger making it's way straight towards both of them.

She leaned forward and flew across the pitch in lightening speed causing heads to turn as they heard the wind around her whistle.

She pushed herself as she saw it come closer towards Draco.

She turned herself and held her bat, ready to intercept.

She was right next to Draco, who finally had a good look at the pitch and saw the ball of brown making it's way towards him. Before he could feel the impact he heard a very loud thwack along with a few worried screams and a bang as the bludger was hit and bounced off one of the posts.

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