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Several hours passed as they all waited outside the forest - waiting for some sort of sign that y/n was near.

Just as the sun reached its peak galloping was heard as Magorian was sprinting through the clearing , a form in his hands.

Y/n was laying lifeless, like a broken doll as her arms shook and her legs swung as the centaur held her strongly in his arms.

Her body was pulsating in pain and redness as her figure became clearer to the 4 waiting.

Mcgonagall rose in relief which twisted back to fear as she took in the sight of her beloved student.

Blaise sprinted to the centaur meeting him halfway as he swept y/n out of his arms , tears forming in his eyes as he looked at her body.

Her uniform was ripped in all parts as bright red crimson scars were splattered across her beautiful complexion.

Her face was unscathed - as she still looked beautiful - even in such a state.

Blaise was panting as he quickly kissed her forehead and ran to Mcgonagall and Hermione almost screaming

"Professor, professor please help her - her - her clothes aare-aree ripped and - and she has really r-r-red scars please"

" one of my men found her against a tree - something must've attacked her.

We don't know what or who it was .
Only she can tell us. "

Dracos hands rose to his scalp as he pulled his hair in frustration at this whole situation. Looking at y/n his heart tugged in ways he had never experienced before. If he hadn't been such a git she would've been perfectly fine. Something was churning in his chest. Something he had never felt so strongly about before.


He was struggling to breathe as he continued to stare at y/n's ragged body in Blaise's arms as Hermione and Minerva were trying to check her body with thick tears in their eyes.

Draco didn't feel himself as he took raspy deep breathes. He stood tall as he made his way to Blaise and firmly took y/n's body from his arms.
Draco had lost all control of his senses and right now me could feel his whole soul and body taking control of him as he stood tall and held y/n's body close to his chest- her blood and scars pressing on his white t-shirt , staining it with her fear , suffering and obvious misery.

He ignored the others calling after him as he quickly walked towards the castle. His head fixed forward - almost as if he couldn't even hear the pleas of Hermione and Blaise's angry shouting calling Draco back.

Draco was stopped as Blaise yanked his shoulder back and looked him in the eye with his nostrils flared.

Blaise's face slowly lost colour and his eyes turned wide with shock as he stared back at his best friend.

Dracos eyes were almost glowing in their ethereal blue-gray form. They held so much angst and fierceness that Blaise let his hand fall of his shoulder. Draco looked forward and ran in such a manner that was inhumane as he held y/n close to his chest and tried to get her to the infirmary.

Blaise looked back at Hermione and Minerva who witnessed everything.

" that wasn't draco "

"Draco lost control. That was his whole soul taking care of and claiming his soulmate. Theres a reason we used such advance magic to pair you with your partners. This is your lives we are dealing with. We could've paired you randomly but that would be sick.
And Draco has finally accepted his fate and y/n - but he accepted it at the wrong time. We can only hope he can control himself otherwise we may have a big problem. "


y/n slowly started to wake - finally able to sense her surroundings and the bed underneath her stiff body...... her body.

And with that an intense sharp pain stunned her awake as her skin flared.  she gasped and curled into a bowl as her body seared and she gasped through pain.

She felt hands over her body as they tried to hold her down from twisting in pain as a liquid was forced in her mouth.

She slowly started to calm down as she lay still and asleep.

The memories of the last few hours forming into a nightmare.

Made For Eachother ~ DRACO x READER  marriage law Where stories live. Discover now