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The day was a complete blur for y/n and all the other 7th and 8th years.

It was half an hour before dinner and y/n was laying on her bed thinking about how she was about to meet her "soulmate".

Who would he actually be? Y/n had never dealt with relationships before - she just wanted to live her life and focus on forming a romantic relationship with someone much later on in her life.

She thought about the boys in her year but really couldn't grasp one as being her soulmate.

She thought about Blaise and the girl he would be destined with.

Blaise was taking this much better than most of the other students. After growing up watching his mother settle with many different men , this law almost soothed him as he was always scared he would naturally go through women , just like his beautiful mother would with all those rich wizards.

To say the least,  Blaise was pretty calm, which drove y/n crazy as she feared for her friend that he would end up with a girl that wasn't worthy for him - her best friend/sister duty kicking in.

"Y/n relax - they're using a soulmate elixir for a reason. You're just as bad as Draco dammit"

Draco was not taking this well at all - and everyone around could almost feel the cold radiating off of him. 

He was extremely annoyed at this new law, he had just found his own way of life and was starting to pave his own path, by himself for himself.

And now he was under control again.

He hadn't talked to anyone about it since the announcement yesterday - only showing his anger to Blaise who told him to just chill.

" Chill?  Blaise what do you mean?  They're probably going to set me up with some bitch who isn't worthy of my love. Knowing my rotten genes, she'll probably be a stuck up pure blood who will only love me for my money and name.
I might as well get with Astoria - because that bint ticks every fucking box"

He finished off glaring at the window he was facing.

Blaise raised his hands and sighed.

fast forward

Y/n chewed slowly on her dessert , toffee pudding - her favourite.
But it tasted nothing like the sugary, sticky, delicious pudding it normally does , as she could feel the bile in her throat because of how nervous she was.

She let go of her spoon harshly and gave up.

She sat back with her back against the wall, arms crossed - and she waited.

"You are all dismissed. Good night!
7th and 8th years, please remain seated."

The hall emptied pretty quickly, leaving all the miserable student waiting nervously to see who their destined spouse was.

Y/n sat up as her stomach ached with nerves. She looked at Blaise with fear in her eyes. He held her hand and gave her a comforting smile and moved to whisper in her ear.

"Y/n/n don't worry. You have me by your side , and I have you. I won't let anyone hurt my sis "

You smiled at the boy who had been your best friend since you were 4. You nodded your head and turned back to face Mcgonagall.

She stood with a ministry official - a pretty aged lady who smiled sympathetically at all of you.

She began to address all of you.

"Good evening all. My name is Matilda Berry. I will be performing the process on all the girls in order to pair you with your destined spouse.
Before we start the process I just want to say - this process uses ancient magic that will reveal your spouse.
This isn't any ordinary magic or something the ministry is using as a cover up.  This is real."

Made For Eachother ~ DRACO x READER  marriage law Where stories live. Discover now