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Hey guys ... it's been a while - life just catches up and sometimes you lose motivation. Anyways i really want to get this story moving along and thicken the plot so here's this halloween filler before we get into it .

Halloween at hogwarts was always memorable - especially since the halloween celebrations were split between the years.

This year there was a whole school halloween party in the great hall - and an exclusive after party for the 7th and 8th years. This meant costume changes - as the after party was unsupervised.

Y/n was tired of being a classic halloween character and really wanted to up her game seeing as she was an adult now.

Draco knew y/n and himself had to coordinate and he wouldn't say this out loud but he really wanted to improve his relationship with her - and this halloween party would help a lot.

[ minty here - I really had to read my book again to see what's happened because I haven't been on here for so long lol ]

Both y/n and Draco were sitting on their sofa and flicking through ideas , trying to come up with a killer combo for the after party. The official hogwarts Halloween event wasn't as important as the exclusive Halloween party afterwards.

"Barbie and Ken
for the Hogwarts party obviously , we need something a bit more serious for the afterparty "

" okay, for the afterparty what if you dress up as the devil and I will be an angel "

Y/n stared at Draco in amusement

"I'M the devil - I guess you'd make a very good angel. Deal"

Y/n sighed in relief as they had finally come up with their costumes.
1 week left till Halloween.

Y/n woke up from the comfortable sofa she was on and almost immediately applied the balm on her scars.

She was able to really look at them now and honestly she felt numb. It was better than wanting to cry and feel sorry for herself. She finished rubbing her legs and moved onto her arms. The scars were drastically different in terms of colour and size. They were still visible but not as raw and vulnerable as they were a month ago.

She didn't tell anyone this but she had nightmares. Nightmares were she could feel each scratch and lick. She could feel her blood being drawn. Her nightmares of the war were long gone and only appeared from time to time, but these new dreams were draining. She was use to it now but it was building up.

Regardless of everything,  it was halloween and she was ready to finally let loose and just have fun.

She didn't normally get this excited for halloween but she was waiting for the day to come where she could feel beautiful and just have fun with Draco and her friends.

The hogwarts party started at 3 and y/n was up and ready at 10 in Hermione's apartment. Blaise was with Draco getting ready.

Y/n had a little butterfly fluttering around her stomach the whole morning.
She really wanted to wow herself and Draco. Their relationship was gradually getting better. Wasn't as romantic as you would think but maybe tonight would change some things. She smiled to herself and put her jacket on.

Hermione and y/n apparated to London in a secluded alleyway and made their way towards a nail salon.

" how are things between you and Blaise ? He's clearly taken a great liking to you Mia "

Hermione looked down at her nails and blushed as she thought of Blaise, the dark sexy Italian. She would've never thought they would be compatible but after actually meeting him and spending a month with him, she really liked who he was. He was a gentleman and one that respected her and let her flourish.

Made For Eachother ~ DRACO x READER  marriage law Where stories live. Discover now