Chapter 11 (Lemons)

Start from the beginning


And she did as you kiss her fill her with so much joy picking her up the clone pick up Biko both instant transmission to the bedroom, you made two made more clones all four turn the girl, into a superman sandwich. all four began gang banging the girls. 

Biko and Ciel kiss each other rubbing their tongues together  playing with each other as you and Clone pound into them. 

Y/N,Clones: Ah Gonna cum


With a final thrust both girls scream. their eyes rolled up in the back of their heads and tongue sticking out once done the clones disappear all three lay there both girls smile. 

Biko,Ciel: Love you Y/N 

Y/N: *smile* Love you too my goddess 

looking at them they both went to sleep putting the blanket over yourselves and chill out. while you was making love. Cortana was watching the whole time touching herself wish it her getting pounded like that.

Cortana: *moan* Y/N. You naughty boy, you enjoy playing with my body do you 💗

Rubbing her breast pinching her nipple, biting her upper lip, she continue fingering herself off, she switch positions pretending she was being taken doggie style 

Cortana: Yes darling right there don't stop i'm going to cum please fill me up 💗

She moan in pleasure as she came. laying on bed hugging her superman doll. feeling a photo of you shirtless looking at it with so much love.

Cortana Mind: Oh Y/N i wish i had a real body,  so i could  express my true feelings for you, i need you to pleasure me in more ways than one.

She lay there and went to asleep hugging the photo and the doll, dreaming about being with you 

The next day

Emerald forest

You and Caulifla were sparring each other trading blow after blow. Kale was on the side reading one of Jaune's comic book.

Caulifla: HA!

She roared punishing you in the face, but you dodge and punch hitting her in the face she back away rubbing cheek with a smirk and charge at you again. dodging again and strike her in the guy this time.

Caulifla: Damn bro your too strong went overtime in training i see, even more reason to spar 

Y/N: You know me

Both laugh, powering down and landed next to Kale 

Caulifla: But seriously bro that from of your's is really bad ass *rubbing her stomach* especially that hit damn the smarts.

Kale: Well you did told Y/N not to hold back so you feeling is all own you

Caulifla cross her arms and gave Kale a dirty look

Caulifla: Ha ha very funny

Y/N: Hows Kefla doing?

Kale: *sadly* She's still in the her coma 

Your POV:

Remembering how it happen Caulifla and Kale fuse becoming Kefla. Me and her fought an enemy wielding the Claw of Horus and a magical weapon that can hit with a force of a planet , but the enemy amplify it's power, and hit Kefla separating Caulifla and Kale making Kefla her own person.

The Child Of Two Worlds: RWBY Harem X Male Kryptonian Saiyan ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now