Detention ~ {Jinyoung X Reader}

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Word Count: 419

{Your POV}

I smirked as I saw Jinyoung throw the whiteboard eraser at the back at the teachers head. 

"YAH WHO DID THAT?!?" The teacher yelled as he looked back at us and then started yelling again.

"Y/n did you throw that at me?!?!? DETENTION FOR THREE HOURS AFTER SCHOOL!!" I scoffed and talked right back.

"Yah, You don't even know who did it." "I know it was you!!! If it wasn't you, TELL ME WHO!!" "I'm not telling you who." I sat back on my chair and smirked once again.

"It was Bae Jinyoung!!" A guy yelled. I glared at the guy who yelled it. "Was it Jinyoung, Y/n?!"

"No." I replied plainly. "It wasn't Jinyoung-oppa, it was Y/n!!" A girl said. "Shut up Mina." I glared at her.

"WHATEVER!! BOTH OF YOU DETENTION!!!JUST LEAVE NOW!!" I smirked and then got up and left, Jinyoung following behind.

In The Detention Room

I sat on top of the table and grabbed my phone out.

"Why does that teacher dislike you so much anyway, ever since the beginning of school he's hated you." "Well aren't you the charmer~" I said sarcastically then spoke again

"It's because in middle school Mina and I fought until one of us passed out, although she's the one who passed out.. well she tried to fight me over a guy... I haven't been in a...relationship ever since.....The teacher is her Dad." 

Jinyoung made eye contact with you for a little bit and came towards you. "You mean you're not mine because of that brat?" He said while smirking, and coming closer. I looked at his face and then blushed a little bit, realizing how close mine and his lips were, "Yah you can't just do t-that.." I then looked away hoping he didn't see me blushing.

"Am I making you...nervous?" He said and I felt the warmth from his breath on my neck. He put both of his hands hands on the table, resting next to my sides, then went near my face again.

Then suddenly I felt a little boost of confidence..

"Why would you make me nervous, hm?" I said as I grabbed the collar of his shirt, bringing him closer. 

"Oh looks like--"

"You two! If you don't write me a two paged essay by the end of detention, you will receive great punishment!!" The teacher said, then leaving, slamming the door shut.

"I'm leaving, wanna join?" I asked Jinyoung and he smirked. "Of course." 


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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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