Chapter Fourteen- Act Two, Scene Fourteen.

Start from the beginning

                    Of course, he likes her, that's why he dated her. The rest of my day goes by and I try to not think too much. Eventually, my mind stays clear. By lunchtime, Emery and I meet up. I haven't told Emery how I got to do the surgery. I panned to tell her over lunch so I did...surprisingly, it went well, she wasn't mad at me and could understand why I hadn't told her yet. We talked a bit and she told me about the future she had planned for herself. It was nice to hear how highly she thought of herself, she knew she would go to college then succeed to get a career. She noticed my expression of happiness had slowly started to fall into a frown.

                  "Hey, Chris, what's wrong?" She moves her hand to rest on top of mine and looks into my eyes.

                 "Oh nothing," I force a smile back onto my face then intertwine my fingers with hers.

                "Chris, I know you all to well to believe that." She says tilting her head at me ever so slightly.

                   I let out a heavy sigh, "I'm just so happy that you have bright plans for your future. You can rely on your future." I smile at her softly, "What I'm implying is...I don't have that, Emery. I might not be able to go. I'm making car payments and will eventually be paying for surgery. I've been working two jobs but I won't have enough to go to college I want. I'll end up at community college and you'll forget me...It's just how it will go---"

                  She lays her index on my lips shutting me up. "I'm not going to forget you, Chris. You don't need the best and most expensive college in the world to have a good future. I already know you're going to do amazing things in the future. You're not going to change my mind and I don't care if you barely have a penny, you are going to work for it. I know you, Chris and you know me. Do you think I'll give up on you so easily?" She lays a soft kiss on my lips and I don't let her go. I hold her in my arms ever so tightly, this will be the only answer she needs. Because she does know me and I won't give her up and neither would she. She breaks away from my lip and smiles softly.

                   I hold her waist and glance down at my watch. "We're late," I look up at her with my eyes large.

                   She giggles and grabs her wallet "Come on, I don't think we can afford to miss school." We get into my car and drive back to school. 

                    The rest of the day was boring and the teachers told us information that did not need to be retained. I feel bad for the teachers, they have to know that hardly anyone listens to them, and if they do you can't tell the difference every student looks bored. After school, I give Emery a ride home per usual and take off. Usually, we go somewhere after school but we both had homework and I had plans for dinner. I went home to my trailer and was pleasantly surprised. There was no wine in sight, no beer cans on the ground, and the place was shining like the top of the Chrysler building. My mom must have been so drunk she thought she was in Annie. Might as well put on a red wig now and exclaim how awful your life is, mom.

                        I step inside all the way and she's in the kitchen cooking. Okay, who slipped this woman drugs? Where is my mom? Whatever prank this was wasn't funny so stop aking me hallucinate. "Mom?" I say in a questioning tone. I walk to the couch and set my backpack down, I normally couldn't set my bag there so this was new to my routine.

                       She looks over her shoulder at me, "Hey honey, your dad called today."

                        I try to stay calm, I remember my dad very well. To be honest, I miss him, I knew when he hit me he didn't want to hurt me. He was only trying to protect me. "He did?" I question and sit down on the couch.

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