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Beach House, Hamptons


When Daniel rushed into the house and crushed her to his chest, she was too stunned for a moment to react. It wasn't until he let go of her and looked to the baby carrier, where their little son was sleeping peacefully, she understood his strange behavior.

"Is he okay?" He looked at her with concern.

"Y-Yes sure," she stuttered, frowning questioningly. "What are you doing here? I thought you were in the editorial office."

"I was." He straightened again, after making sure that Julian was doing well. "I had forgotten some papers and went back," he explained, looking at her again. "When I found the house empty, I had the worst fears. I thought he might have had one of his breathing arrests again and you had to bring him to the hospital."

"Julian is fine," she repeated again. "He was restless, so I walked a little with him." She felt bad about her lie. She had scared him for nothing. But she couldn't have known that he was coming back. "I'm sorry," she stammered without giving a thought.

"What are you sorry for?" He asked, looking at her confused.

"I didn't leave a note when I left." She bent down and took the baby out of the baby carrier. "I'll take him up so he can sleep on." She was about to go upstairs when she noticed Daniel's arms around her.

"I was so scared!" he confessed to her. He leaned forward to give Julian a light kiss on his cheek and then turned to Emily to kiss her, too.

She leaned into him and returned the kiss. She hated it to lie to him. Their love was deep, but at that moment she wondered how much their marriage could endure. "Do you want to stay?" She asked quietly, not wanting to wake the baby.

He nodded slowly, looking deep into her eyes. "If this is what you want."

"You're the boss." She smiled at him, then went upstairs to the nursery. She put her sleeping son in the crib and then looked down at him.

"I don't know what I would do if I would lose you or him."

She closed her eyes and leaned against him as she felt his arms around her waist again. "You won't," she promised, then turned to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you, Daniel!"

"Show me...!" he whispered in her ear and shoved her gently from the nursery to their bedroom.

Just for a moment she wanted to forget everything; The lies, the fear for the future... She slowly began to undress him and felt her body begin to tremble with anticipation as he did the same with her. She moaned with pleasure as he explored her body with his hands, lips and tongue. Shortly after, they reached the climax together and lay there, side by side, tightly entwined.

"That's what I call a special morning break," Daniel said with a smirk and kissed her tenderly. "If I give it another thought, I would like to do it every day."

"I would love that." She grinned mischievously and then stretched her body. "I haven't felt this relaxed in a long time."

He rolled over, resting on his elbow. "Maybe I should let my mother know everything is all right," he said all of a sudden.

Emily sat up and reached for her blanket. "Your mother?" She asked in astonishment.

"When I couldn't find you, I went over to the manor and asked her if she knew where you were," he said. "We were on the verge of driving to the hospital when she saw you standing on the porch."

Emily began nervously tugging at her blanket. "Is... is he still there?" She asked hesitantly while she tried to avoid eye contact with him.

He nodded. "If you mean the man who is my mother's guest, he's still there." He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. "It's David Clarke," he revealed and continued quickly when he got no response from Emily. "David Clarke..." He repeated again. "You know ... Amanda's father?" He tried to jog her memory. "Everyone thought that he had been murdered. But apparently he survived it and now..." Irritated, he paused as he saw Emily jumping out of bed. "Em? Everything okay?"

At the mention of his name, her heart had suddenly started to pound like mad and sweat had formed on her forehead. With trembling hands, she picked up her clothes from the floor, which were scattered everywhere. "Yes, call your mother," she said, while she continued to avoid looking into his eyes. "She should know that the baby is doing well."

"Are you all right?" He had also left the bed and now followed her. "You're white as chalk!" he noticed with concern, brushing softly over her pale, damp forehead.

"I'm fine." She shoved his hand aside. "Only an imbalance in my... bloodstream," she lied. "I'm gonna take a shower now."

"Emily... wait!"

As fast as her weak knees allowed it, she ran into the bathroom and locked the door so that he couldn't follow her.

"Em? Do you need my help?"

She backed away as he knocked against the door. "No, I'm fine. Don't worry," she said faintly, wrapping her arms around her body. How should she keep her secret to herself when, every time her father's name was mentioned, she was about to get a panic attack? Slowly, she stepped into the shower and then leaned against the acrylic glass wall, while the hot water was running over her quivering body.

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