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Jimin was currently walking up to the front door of Yoongi's childhood home. 

The past weeks had flown by thanks to their professors swamping them with work. The ride to Daegu was almost identical to the ride to Busan. Waving everyone goodbye at the train station before Jimin fell asleep only to be poked awake by Yoongi a few hours later, before getting an uber.

Jimin stood at the door unsure of what to do.

Does he knock?

Does he ring the doorbell?

Does he wait for Yoongi to knock or ring the doorbell?

His question was answered when Yoongi pulled out a keyring that he had never seen. Yoongi had his normal car keys and the key to the apartment on a carabiner but the key he pulled out was attached to a pair of dog tags. Turning the lock right Yoongi then grumbled and turned the lock left and the door popped open. 

As Yoongi pulled their luggage inside Jimin saw a couple run out of the living room. The woman assumed to be Yoongi's mother, threw her arms around Yoongi. "Hello, little rice cake!"

"Mom... You know I'm taller than you right." Yoongi commented. 

Mrs. Min pinched his cheek. "I don't know what you're talking about." She turned to see Jimin standing in the doorway. "You must be Jimin. Nice to meet you." She smiled, unlike his mother, Mrs. Min remained quiet and calm.

"Don't just stand there on the doorway come on in." Yoongi Dad smiled pulled Jimin further inside their house closing the door behind him. "Dinner will be ready soon. I'm sure Yoongi would love to give you the tour of the house in the meantime." 

Jimin smiled and thanked him before Yoongi intertwined their hands, pulling Jimin along to show him the place he grew up in. 

There were many pictures of Yoongi and his brother on the walls. They dropped off their suitcases in Yoongi's room and Yoongi telling Jimin to not enter the room across the hall because it was his brothers. There wasn't much else to show besides the living room where photo albums perched upon shelves, a simple couch and a few chairs along with a desk that sat in the corner. 

Jimin's stomach growled as he inhaled the scent of food not realizing how hungry he was. Yoongi helped set the table as Mrs. Min started plating the food. Letting the family do their usual routine of setting up Jimin stood away in the corner, not interfering. 

Yoongi's family life was drastically different from his own, much quieter, and their house was smaller. Even though Yoongi had a brother Jimin didn't which meant he spent a lot of time with his cousins when he could. Jimin felt out of place, he was so used to loud family gatherings that he wasn't sure what to do in a peaceful family setting. 

Soon they were all quietly eating, making small talk. Yoongi was silent, unlike the loud sassy persona of him, Jimin knew from Seoul. As the dinner wrapped up Yoongi cleared his throat. "Mom, I need to talk to you." 

"OH! About the-"

"SHH!" Yoongi told in a panicked whisper. Mrs. Min nodded in understanding signaling for them to leave the room.     

Jimin was left with Yoongi's dad, he wasn't sure if we should start a conversation or wait for Yoongi to come back. Mr. Min answered his question by gaining his attention. "Psst." The man told nodding his head to the living room. "Follow me." He told getting up. 

Jimin obeyed following the man into the living room where he held one of the photo albums. "What is it?" Jimin asked.

"Well Yoongi is distracted with his mom so I figured now is the perfect time to expose his childhood secrets." Mr. Min told opening the photobook. Jimin chuckled as he started the first story. "So Yoongi was about three? Four? When this happened... We had gotten him ice cream and he dropped the first one. When we got him another one we told him to be careful and keep an eye on it. He was a very literal toddler so he just shoved his face into the ice cream." He said pointing at a picture of Yoongi's mom wiping off ice cream from a small Yoongi's face.

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