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Hey just a fair warning based on last chapter's comments y'all might get REALLLLLLLLY pissed at Jimin this chapter.


Also Happy birthday to our rice cake gum drop Lil meow meow Yoongi boongi

You have been warned.


"JIN! WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MUCH STUFF?" Namjoon called out from the Uhaul. 

"IT'S NOT THAT MUCH!" Jin protested.

A car beeped its horn trying to get past all the space Namjoon was taking up with the truck. 

The big day had come. Yoongi was officially moving in. To Jimin, it was weird having him around 24/7 now. He wasn't complaining but before he only dropped in periodically, now everywhere Jimin went Yoongi was there. 

This meant he had to put a lot more effort into hiding his soul mark. "Jimin, Yoongi is going to find out eventually you know that right?" Hoseok argued.

"Is something in that master bedroom that I don't know about? Because you are starting to sound like Jin." Jimin huffed, he'd hide his mark as long as he had to. 

"Well Jin found his soulmate so maybe that's a good thing." Hoseok smiled. "I mean he probably has already scanned you up and down for a soul mark. And now that we're living together he is going to find out."

"Not if I can help it," Jimin muttered touching his face.

Hoseok sighed and shook his head. "If you say so." 

"I mean we have this great friendship building! I don't want that to be ruined because he pitties the fact my soulmate will slap me!" Jimin crossed his arms sending a small glare towards his hyung.

"All I'm saying is that he is going to find out eventually, might as well get it out of the way now." Hoseok sighed knowing he wasn't going to get anywhere with Jimin. 


Hoseok and Jimin simply rolled their eyes and made their way out to Jin and Namjoon. "You're sure you don't need help unpacking things at the other house?" Hoseok asked. 

"Nah." Namjoon smiled. "We'll make the other two do it instead."

"Alright, call me if you need help." Hoseok hugged Jin.

"Bye hyung. I'll miss you." Jimin embraced Jin tightly.

"I'm just moving it's not like I'll never see you again!" Jin huffed putting his hands on his hips.

Jimin mirrored him putting his hands on his hips as well. "Well just because you're moving doesn't mean I won't miss you!" 

"You'll be okay without me." Jin paused. "You will be okay without me, right?" 

"Whelp they better be because I already packed up the truck let's go." Namjoon threw an arm over Jin. The pair left as Hoseok, Jimin, and Yoongi waved goodbye. 

Jimin looked over and noticed Yoongi before going back to waving and then doing a double-take. "Wait, when did you get here?" He asked. 

"Just now."

"Didn't you want to say goodbye to Namjoon?"

"I did earlier."

"Oh okay..." Jimin let their conversation die out as they all stopped waving. 

Hoseok smiled as walked backward back inside the apartment. "I don't know about you suckers, but I'm going to go enjoy that master bedroom, don't gotta share a bathroom anymore." 

Yoongi chuckled and headed towards the kitchen. Jimin followed simply being curious and bored. "What are you doing?" He asked watching Yoongi from the doorway. 

"I thought..." Yoongi paused as he shuffled through the freezer. "This called for some celebratory ice cream!" He smiled pulling out an oreo blizzard and a strawberry sundae.

"Whoa! You shouldn't have! When did you get these?" Jimin asked taking hold of his sundae. 

"This morning. Put them in the freezer so they wouldn't melt." Yoongi handed Jimin a spoon. "Hey Jimin?"


"Do you mind if I ask you a question? Like a personal one?" Yoongi set his blizzard down on the counter.

"Uh..." Jimin mumbled internally freaking out. "I guess it depends, what's the question?"

"Did something happen to your soulmate?" Yoongi asked and Jimin froze mid spoonful of ice cream. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to!" Yoongi quickly added not wanting to make the younger feel uncomfortable. 

"Um..." Jimin wiped his mouth, thinking if he should answer. 

"I mean did something happen to them? Did they... uh... pass away?" Yoongi immediately looked away, he felt he needed to ask these questions and push Jimin for more information about his soulmate, but it also felt like too much of a personal topic to pursue.

Jimin swallowed hard making a decision. "Yeah... They passed away when I was in high school." 

And that decision was to lie. 

"Oh... Jimin I'm really sorry about that... Do you think you'd ever get a new one?" Yoongi asked feeling a small pang of regret in his chest.

"I'm not sure..." Jimin paused, maybe a nice soulmate instead of one that would slap me... "I guess that would be okay? But I miss them a lot, I don't think I can picture myself with someone else." Jimin continued to lie right through his teeth.

"I see... That would make sense." Yoongi uttered silently. "Where was your soul mark?"

Jimin took a moment to think. "It was... On my arm. They grabbed me in the hall to ask why I was running in the hall... They were a few grades older than me so they were a hall monitor." Jimin kept looking down at his melting sundae, formulating a story in his head. "They got into a car accident a few months later... A drunk driver hit them on their way to get groceries for their mom... Died in surgery."

Yoongi kept silent unsure of what to say if anything. What was he supposed to say? He had only met one other person with a dead soulmate. He began to worry if he should cut the conversation off or change the topic, but he didn't want to seem like he didn't care... Because he did care about Jimin. He had bonded a lot with the younger in the short period they had known each other and he didn't want their friendship to end so quickly. Especially due to the fact he just moved in. 

"I'm sorry Jimin... I shouldn't have brought it up..."

"No, it's fine. I'd ask too." Jimin paused. "So uh... Want to watch a movie and finish our melted ice cream?" He asked unsure if Yoongi was now too depressed and shocked by his bullshit sad story to want to do anything.

"Yeah sure." Yoongi gave a half-smile still unsure whether he should have asked Jimin or not.


Based on these five chapters, How do you think yoonmin will end up together?

Because I already have the ending to this story planned out. (I had this planned out back in like... November...)

Also, I redid the cover... Like three times because I didn't realize I got the dimensions wrong the first time, then I looked at it and it was super blurry and pixelated so I was confused so apparently I can't upload covers from my drawing tablet directly so I have to email it to myself first then upload it from my computer which is a dumb waste of time-


Hope you enjoyed the chapter for Yoongles Birthday

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