I wanna be down

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I walked into Kalis house as she was sitting on the couch snuggled up in her pj's and lots of food as she watched reruns of her favorite show "if it isn't my baby sister coming to visit me" she paused the tv and sat up smiling at me as I sat down ...

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I walked into Kalis house as she was sitting on the couch snuggled up in her pj's and lots of food as she watched reruns of her favorite show "if it isn't my baby sister coming to visit me" she paused the tv and sat up smiling at me as I sat down next to her "yeah it's me" I grabbed some of the food and stuffed my mouth as she watched me "and where's Alexa" she said as I shrugged "out with Eli so I'm here" I smiled at her innocently but I knew she knew I was lying but she didn't press it.

"What's been going on with the other sister" she was now sitting up as I pushed my hair back before laughing "do we even have another sister" I chuckled lightly as she hit my arm "let's just say fire instantly" I slipped my shoes off as I sat up "we all went out skating with Rakim and his girlfriend, Eli and Alexa you know and then monse could have brought Cesar but she didn't and then Rakim had a brother for me" I winked at her as she started laughing "get on with it ariii".

" it was fun like everyone was in a group Alexa was with Ari most of the time and monse went from group to group and we didn't leave her out I'm not sure what happened but when we were all eating she basically got angry and went off on Alexa making her cry she called her names like mom used to. It hurt me to see her like that so I paid monse a well-deserved visit and told her off" I shrugged my shoulders as kali just looked at me.

" I don't come around for a couple of days and this whole thing blows up in my face" she looked surprised "yeah and spooky threatened Alexa that's why I'm really here" I might as well tell the truth. "Really ari why didn't you tell me this earlier" she got up going around and making sure everything was locked "no one will come here kali" I laid back as she came back looking at me.

" I just hope our sister is okay" she grabbed her phone I'm guessing to text Alexa "and monse I guess she's just not used to this life I don't know but what she did to Alexa wasn't right and I'm not angry at you for doing that you were just sticking up for lex I would have done the same" she kissed my forehead as she roughed my hair up making me laugh.

I love kali more than anything and I was glad she understood why I did what I did and wasn't judging me.

The next couple day

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The next couple day

Me and Eli we're finally returning to his house after 2 days of being gone. I got out of the car as he wrapped his arm around me kissing my forehead "I love you" I said as I put my hand on top of his as we walked into his house seeing Dre and king "here they are" king said as he stood up walking over to us "good y'all are okay" Dre said running over and hugging us "we just went and explored you know a little getaway" we smiled as they looked calmer now.

"Well it was a big shoot out last night and we just wanted to make sure y'all were okay the Santos sprayed prophets block" I looked up at Eli as he looked down at me with the same worried face "anyone dead king" I quickly asked as he looked at me shaking his head yes "but no one you love so it's okay bug calm down" he tapped my shoulder as I started to relax.

Prophets were my family and if anything happened to them I would be very upset. "I'm gonna get a shower" I kissed Eli's cheek and made my way into his room as I sat on the bed taking my phone out and cutting it back on. I had a text from ari and kali. I would meet up with them to explain everything but right now I just needed to relax and get my mind straight.

I also had to figure out what I was going to do about the monse sitch. Eli told me what she was trying to pull so now I was left with some hard decisions here. I grabbed me some clothes and walked into the bathroom as I cut the water on and then stripped out of my clothes as I looked into the mirror.

I examined myself as I looked at my body laughing. All the hickeys were still very visible from all the stuff me and Eli had done. I moved over to the shower getting inside as the water hit my body quickly relaxing me as all the thoughts exited my mind and made me feel at peace.

I've wanted this feeling for so long now and I knew once I stepped out it would be back to hell and chaos. I wish I had never met monse and then maybe spooky wouldn't be trying to ruin my life but I still loved her just not the people she brought as well.

Thoughts on everything?

Thoughts on everything?

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