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I don't want you guys to hate ari or not like her😭 her character will play a big part in this book as a whole and yeah maybe she seems like a bitch but that's not the case.

Ari did what any sister would do she went and protected her sister !!! YES, I know monse is always their sister BUT they don't know her and they haven't formed a bond yet.

I'm showing here that sibling trauma does exist like with kali never being around it did indeed affect Alexa a lot which is why Alexa is big on family and wants all her siblings to get along because kali left when she needed her most.

Ari clings to Alexa because that's all she's had growing up lately their mom was always mentally abusive to Alexa and ari was there for most of it. They were all each other had so monse hurting Alexa did affect ari a lot because it took them both back to the time where their mom did it !!

I've only given one snippet of their mom being abusive but there is more to come so don't hate ari already she's just a small bean who cares about her sister more than anything.

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