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I woke up once I heard Cesar on the phone with who I assumed was oscar "hey is everything okay" I sat up as he turned around smiling "yeah you know how Oscar is" he laughed lightly before putting his phone in his pocket and slipping his shoes on "...

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I woke up once I heard Cesar on the phone with who I assumed was oscar "hey is everything okay" I sat up as he turned around smiling "yeah you know how Oscar is" he laughed lightly before putting his phone in his pocket and slipping his shoes on "I'm gonna go pick us up some food and I'll be right back" I nodded my head as he walked out the room. I knew he was lying but who was I do question him when all he would do is continue to lie to me.

I yawned as I pushed the covers over and got out of bed walking into the bathroom. My hair was messy and I looked tired but that's because I haven't been getting much sleep at night with Cesar here all the time. I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair into a somewhat decent bun as I heard someone at the door. "Hmm Cesar is back quick" I opened the door as there stood ari "oh hi" she smiled as she walked inside.

I was about to close the door until she stopped me "wait Alexa is coming also with Eli they are in the car chatting" I nodded my head and looked back outside as I noticed the guy in the front seat "that's her boyfriend" she smiled at me as I nodded "I'm glad you came over also I won't feel like a third wheel" she laughed " I know the feeling but once you get used to them you start to feel less and less like one they act so cute" that's when she got really happy talking about her sister and her boyfriend.

I could see how much she adored them and that made me happy to see she had that kind of bond with her siblings. I wish I would have met them sooner and not because my dad forced them mom to tell them about me but I'm sure she didn't tell them any of that so I was planning on keeping it to myself "hey baby" Alexa ran over and hugged me as the guy I assumed was Eli followed.

"Eli this is monse my sister" she smiled as he stuck his hand out "sup" he nodded his head at me as I shook his hand and smiled. He was really cute and I saw why she stayed with him through all the bull crap "I was telling him about the pool party we went to I should have invited you babe" she leaned over and kissed him as they started into there own conversation before turning back to me "we are going out so get dressed up" she smiled at me as I walked into my room with ari behind me "need help" I nodded desperately as she went through my closet.

" this closet wrecks with horror" she fake threw up as I laughed but was slightly offended "you could do better but I mean that in a totally nice way of course" she did a fake laugh before looking back at me and we both ended up laughing. She pulled out a plaid skirt that I never even knew I had and a cute little tank top that was cropped as she grabbed some sandals "put this on" I did as I was told as she smiled "you look amazing now come on" she pulled me over to the mirror as she did my hair in a cute style and gave me a mini makeover.

I looked girly more girly than before and I liked how I looked it made me look older and more attractive than before. "Hey, monse I'm back" I heard Cesar yell "aye you just let him in your house," he said to me as he looked at Eli "what's wrong with him," Alexa said before I could "he rolls with the prophets I've seen him around them" Alexa quickly rolled her eyes as she looked at me "some of them went to school with us so he can't help who his friends are try being less than an ass and talking about him" she walked outside with him and ari "Cesar" I gasped as he looked confused.

"you can't just do that and stop acting like me" I grabbed my purse as he looked at me "where are you going and why do you look different" I smiled because I thought I looked cute "out with them they didn't say where though" I was happy to look different than a tomboy I've always wanted to see and feel what being a real girl felt like and they were helping me find my true self "monse if you go out with them I'm breaking up with you... they are changing you into something you aren't, you've never been prissy or a bitch" he said which hurt.

He was making me pick between him and my family and I knew this wouldn't end good "Cesar that's my family" I pleaded as he stepped back "we are your family squad you just met them and here they are trying to Change you" he looked offended as I stepped forward "I wanted to be like this I've always wanted to change" I cried out as he looked at me in disbelief  "I've always been the only girl I need a change to hang with other girls and what it feels like to be a girl" I said as he shook his head.

" you have Olivia and Jasmine was that not enough" he looked disgusted with me as I cried harder now "it's either me or them" I was hurt he even gave me a choice "I pick them Cesar" I pushed him as he looked hurt " I can't believe you would ever make me pick between you and my family I thought we were better than this I've never made you pick between me or Oscar because that's your brother and you love him" I looked at him as he said nothing.

" I tried to help you through your shit and I was a good friend and girlfriend and you used that to your advantage leave me the hell alone and get out of my house" I slapped him as I walked outside and got In the car "I'm sorry about him" I put my hand on Eli's shoulder as he turned around and smiled at me showing his beautiful teeth "no worries I'm not mad" he did a slight smirk before laughing "I get accused of stuff all the time and that wouldn't be the first" he shrugged as he turned around. I felt myself blushing.

I think I'm starting to like him.

Well here we have it
Thoughts on monse

Well here we have it Thoughts on monse Cesar?Theories?

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