Twenty-Nine: One, Two, Three Little Kisses

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The next morning, I woke up feeling the stress hit me all at once. Today was the day where we planned for me to finally say I quit to everyone who had ruined my entire fucking life. I know it wouldn't get me too far, probably would get me in more trouble. However, knowing that the Queen boys were behind my back, I had nothing to fear.

I quickly took a shower, the hot water running down my back therapeutic in calming my nerves that were building up as time went on. Once I got out, I threw on a loose shirt and shorts, putting a robe overtop and tying it loosely around my waist. There was no need for me to get dressed so early, especially since I was trapped in this hotel room.

Making my way to the kitchen, Legend whined at me as I picked up the hotel menu from the counter, scanning to see if there was anything good to order. Picking up the phone, I was about to dial reception when someone started knocking on my door. I put the phone back down on the receiver, making my way slowly towards the door. Legend was on my heels, whines continuing to come through his mouth, wanting nothing other than food.

Holding the handle tightly in my hand, I leaned up on my toes to see who was on the other side. Freddie's face was bigger in this view as he stood back, clothes in his hands as he looked around him. Rolling my eyes, I opened the door, greeted right away with a smile on his face.

"Mi- Savannah!" Freddie corrected quickly, beaming. "May I come in?"

"Of course, I'm not going to leave you out here," I chuckled as I opened the door wider.

Freddie thanked me quietly as he slipped passed me, the smell of cinnamon once again passing through my nose as I closed the door. Freddie turned around as I walked towards him, a bright smile on his face.

"Good morning, Mia." Freddie greeted again.

"Good morning Freddie," I responded, tugging my robe closer to my body. "What are you doing here so early?"

"Well, you said we needed to go shopping so I came to pick you up! Oh, also," Freddie held out the clothes that were in his hands, "these are for you."

I looked at him confusingly. "I don't need clothes. Why are you giving these to me?"

"Since Sully is here, I figured that he would spot you out if you wore your clothes. So, I took some of mine that you can borrow for the day."

I smiled sweetly at him as I took the clothes from his hands. "Well thank you."

"Don't mention it, dear." Freddie waved dismissively. "Now, you must get changed! We have to go!"

"Oh my god, will you chill for a moment, I woke up not too long ago." I chuckled lightly as I made my way over to the kitchen. "Also, I need to call Brian."

"Why are you calling Brian?" Freddie questioned as he followed me at my heels.

"Because I need a dog sitter. Who better person than to call Brian," I responded, looking Freddie in the eyes.

Freddie looked over at Legend, who sat in the make shift bed I had made. His tongue was out of his mouth as his tail wagged behind him. Legend was content, however Freddie still had some sort of fear towards my lazy dog.

"Yes, well, Brian is your man," Freddie muttered.

I quickly called Brian, receiving a surprised tone on the other side of the line. "I didn't know you were here in Los Angeles!"

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