Six: Studio

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The elevator doors opened in front of me and I stepped out, ready to crash onto the hotel bed. The day had been long enough, and I wanted the rest of the night to go by quick. I unlocked my door and stepped in, closing the door behind me and taking off my shoes. As I walked into the living room, I started to pull out my bun, until something caught my eye.

There on the table sat a small basket with records in it, Queen records to be exact. I furrowed my eyebrows as I let my half in half out hair fall. I grabbed the note off of it and opened it.

You obviously need to listen to these before you start planning a tour with us. So, while you do whatever you planned on doing, play these in the background why don't you.

I sat myself down on the couch, placing the note next to the basket. Slowly I pulled out all the records accordingly, Queen being at the far left to A Day at the Races to the far right. I looked into the basket one last time, noticing a box of small chocolates. I pulled them out, a sticky attached to it.

I wanted to be nice, but I didn't know which you liked best. These are my favorites, hopefully you enjoy them.

I chuckled to myself before getting up, grabbing the album Queen and placing it on the record player. My 'homework' was starting, so I decided to sit back down on the couch as my notebook was flipped to a random page as I opened the box of chocolates.

So much for writing my stuff tonight.

After three hours of listening to Queen songs, Sully walked into my room with a smile on his face. I gave him a little wave as 'God Save the Queen' from the Night at the Opera album finished, and the record clicked.

"What have you been up to in here?" He asked walking into the living room.

"Well, I got a mystery basket full of Queen albums after our meeting today. I don't know many Queen songs so someone sent this to me." I stated, getting up from the couch and giving Sully a look.

"It wasn't me." Sully stated, putting his hands up in defense. "I didn't even know that you didn't do research before meeting the band."

I rolled my eyes with a small sigh. "Will you stop bringing that up. I've been tortured for that all afternoon."

Sully pointed at the box of chocolates. "Where'd you get that from?"

"That was in the box as well," I said putting the record into it's appropriate slide. "They are honestly really good. Try one."

"I'll pass." Sully picked up one of the notes that sat on the table. "What's this?"

I snatched the paper from between his fingers. "That's a note from my secret admirer. Stop!"

Sully chuckled. "Why can't I read it?"

"Just because you're my boss, does not mean you can read everything I have." I stated, my head high. "Besides, it was useless, and not important."

Sully nodded his head slowly. "Yeah, alright, sure. Well, have fun for the rest of the night."

"Goodnight Sully!"


As I whistled the song 'Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon', a favorite of the many songs I listened to last night, I made my way towards a local shop where I wanted to sit down and rearrange some songs I chose for the tour. I had called up Jim to inform the guys that I wanted to meet up with them. To my own surprise, I didn't expect all of them to agree.

Repeating the one minute and seven second song in a whistle, I crossed off a song that I felt didn't fit when someone sat across from me. When I looked up, it was once again Freddie who was here earlier than the rest. I simply let myself nod at him as I continued what I was doing before.

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