Two: Career's Ending

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I didn't understand why I had to be here today. I literally looked like I came out of the rehab center again. I had a pair of worn out high waisted jeans with a white sweater. My usually black curls were up in a messy bun as I had my sunglasses on to cover up my hungover eyes.

My legs were propped up on the black swivel chair. My actual glasses sat on my nose as I looked around the room. All of my managers, including Sully, sat around this table. All of them on the brink of ending ties with me and wanting to let my career rot to nothing. Yet, they still sat at this table, picking away at all my failures until they come up with a "solution." I always wondered why they still bothered.

Oh, because I still give them money, even if I'm practically dying.

"No one is buying anything. Practically everyone hates her. They don't want to buy anything that is attached to the drug addicted who's losing her career. Did you even read today's paper Sullivan?"

Sully ran a hand through his long blonde hair. "Look, I know Mia is messing up. But listen, she is working on her album. She's trying this time, even if it has been three years-"

"Three years, Sullivan! That's one thousand and ninety five days! She could've been done and probably on tour at this point, selling her brand new album!"

My eyes became cold stone on this guy. "Look, I'm actually fucking trying. I've gotten two songs done. I need eight more and you have your album."

The manager shook his head. "That's not cutting it, Ms. Elliot. We need something that will bring your career back to its feet, something that will at least spark up an interest in you once again!"

"What do you want us to do?" Sully asked.

"I think I know someone."

We turned our heads to the guy at the end of the table. He seemed young, a sharp jawline, and sharp looking.

"Why, then do tell us my good sir!"

The young man cleared his throat. "I know a man, Jim Beach, who is running a band in England. They're big, and are known! Hell, they just started their portion of the American tour and I think they will go to Europe for a week break soon. I'm sure they could squeeze her in for the rest of the tour."

"Who's the band?" I asked.

The young man made eye contact t with me. "Queen."

My back froze. Queen? The one and only Queen? With Brian May, Roger Taylor, John Deacon, and the most intriguing Freddie Mercury? Oh boy, wouldn't that be a scene.

Picture this: Mia touring with the headlong band Queen, who are starting to climb their way to the top. As for me, I have to sing along side the all-famous Freddie Mercury, who is known for this diva self. I don't think my personality and his over-the-top self would go well together.

I shook my head. "No, there is no way they would accept me for this tour."

"Why not?" Sully asked. "You haven't even given it a try."

"I deny this!" I shouted, slamming my hand against the table.

Sully stood up, his eyes hard on me. "Would you excuse us for a second?"

I let my head down as I got up. I was furious, yet, I knew I was letting myself go. I followed Sully out of the meeting room and into the hall, where none of them could see us.

"What is the matter with you?" Sully growled. "You're getting a chance and your blowing it off!"

I ran my hands through my hair, aggravated. "Look, I don't want to deal with those guys, alright!"

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