Eleven: Tension With Mention

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Sorry for all the POV change. I know it's a lot, just, bare with me for now.

Also, count how many times I use the word trance. It's quite a few...

February 3rd, 1977
Civic Centre, Springfield, USA


Mia was running a little late, due to Sully having to take her to get her outfit fitted that didn't get done last night, of course.

Her tumble took us all by surprise. One minute she was singing, the next she was on the floor, pale and sweating profusely. Freddie reacted quickly, carrying her in his arms and running out. The rest of us went off, following Freddie as he panicked around the corridors of the stadium. Eventually they got into the vehicle and went off. We were told by Sully earlier before the show that someone had drugged her with a needle. This took us all by surprise, but we all promised to keep an eye out on her, even to her dismay.

No one got to see her but Freddie. She stayed with him all night and morning before leaving. None of us saw her after that.

I know your next question; what do I think about Mia and Freddie? To be honest, I haven't even thought about it. Well, that's a lie, I have. I've thought about what would happen if they got together, and to be quite honest, I think it would work. I think she helps balance Freddie out. But, we all knew the hard truth. Sully was overprotective of his- what do you call it?- "client."

Let me paint you a picture. Tall, lean, and built. He had long blonde hair as piercing blue eyes. Mask of a manager, friend when he wants to. Obviously took on Mia to bring her back to her feet. A man, who, as we've noticed so far, sees potential in the lady. That's why he plays body guard, assistant, and manager.

When Freddie started to show signs of taking affection towards Mia, Sully was quick to notice. We were all quick to notice. Obviously we do not know what happens behind closed doors between the two, but I hope it's all well. Mia needs Freddie's charisma, and Freddie needs Mia's ground work. Simple.

But now?

Freddie was moving about, trying to figure out where the hell Mia was while we sat about, getting ready for the show. Roger was twirling his drum sticks in his hand, his mind focused on tonight's show, along with Brian. For Brian had his Red Special sitting in his lap, prepped and ready to go. My bass was sitting in the corner as I fidgeted in my chair, the nerves starting to creep through me.

Freddie was the only one who wasn't ready. He was still in his robe, his hair being the only thing in place. We only had ten minutes before the concert started, and all of us were starting to become slightly annoyed. Not because of Mia, but because Freddie was too busy worrying about her.

"Have you guys seen her?!" Freddie asked frantically.

"For the bloody tenth time, Fred, no! We have not seen, or heard of, or even spoken to Mia!" Brian annoyingly exclaimed.

"Freddie, you need to calm down." I stated. "The show is starting soon. I'm sure the audience doesn't want to see you in a bloody bathrobe."

Freddie shook his head. "I can't believe it. It's our first goddamn show and she ditched us!"


"I called it! What did I tell you before we had the meeting?! I stated that she would just leave us hanging before the first show! Did anyone believe me?! No! Because you all thought that she had a chance! Now look, she's gone!" Freddie ranted angrily, throwing his hands every which way.

Freddie left the room, much to our dismay, and five minutes later, he came back in his white jumpsuit. His temper seemed to have calmed, for he looked around hopefully, before sighing and letting his expression drop quickly before masking a facade. Freddie didn't want to face defeat, but, to all of us, it seemed as though Mia wasn't going to make it.

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