Twenty-Five: Our Own Mystery Gang

172 11 1

This chapter sucks, I'm sorry



Looking over myself in the mirror once again, I sighed realizing that I look more like a fucking twig than I have ever been before. The only good thing about me was my hair at this point. That at least had some volume then the rest of my entire body. 

How the hell can they stand to look at me at this point? I look like utter shit. I'm surprised neither one of them commented on my appearance. 

I ran my hand along the bags under my eyes. Fuck me, I look like an emotional wreck.

My cheeks have finally sunken in, giving that hollow look to my face. My eyes, like I noted before, were dark and colorless. For the past years that I have been in trouble, I have never seen myself look so worn out. Even my lips were colorless. Fuck- there was no color to me at all! 

The last drug incident really took a toll on me emotionally and physically. I remember going to Matt's, but what he gave me I have no fucking clue. Whatever it was, it had amazing side effects. 

With a sigh, I walked out of the bathroom and headed towards the kitchen where Roger and John sat. John was on the phone and Roger had Legend in between his legs, petting him behind his ears. 

"...yes, that's good. ... Perfect. ... Yes- thank you- bye." 

"Well?" Roger asked as I took a seat. 

John sat down. "They will be up here in about a half hour to an hour." 

"An hour for fucking pizza?!" Roger exclaimed. "That's ridiculous."

"Apparently they're busy, Rog. I can't change that." John shrugged. 

"Did you make sure to send it to the right hotel room?" I asked. 

John nodded his head. "Yes ma'am." 

I nodded my head as Roger leaned back in his seat, allowing Legend to come lay by my feet. My hand ran across his back before I pulled out my cigarettes, offering Roger and John one. Roger took one from my fingers before lighting both of our sticks. 

"I'm surprised that no one noticed us, especially since I had Legend with me." I stated. 

"Maybe someone did and they didn't care." John said. 

"Or maybe they are calling Mia's higher ups to gossip about her!" Roger exclaimed. 

"That's not even funny, Rog." John said disapprovingly. 

Roger leaned back in his seat again. "I was just saying." 

"I don't think they would recognize me personally, since I look like a frail woman with short hair." I stated. 

"You also have your glasses on. Usually you only have them on when we are- were- were recording." John corrected with a stutter. 

I pushed my glasses up higher on my nose. "I only put them on because they hide the bags that are so evident under my eyes."

"They're not that noticeable." Roger muttered next to me. 

I shot a small smile at him. "Thanks." 

Roger nodded his head before taking a puff of his cigarette. "So, what's the game plan?" 

"Game plan?" I questioned. 

"Roger, there is no game plan." John said almost disapprovingly. 

"Of course there is a game plan! Mia didn't come all this way not to have some sort of plan to fuck up all those monsters above her." 

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