Nine: Let Her Be

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New cover, looks pretty good in my opinion...

Also, sorry if this POV is shit. I tried, but it's been a while since I've sat down and written anything.


Christ, Mia is going to be a hard nut to crack. That poor girl has shit, and no wonder she thought I was a fucking monster. She's represented as a giant, decaying pill.

I must admit, I didn't sleep for the rest of the night. I just stared at her, wondering what she was dreaming about. Half the time, I stared outside the window, wondering how I was going to kill Sully without anyone noticing. The other half of the time, I was planning on how I was going to make Mia reclaim her fame without overpowering herself. It all comes down to that goddamn album.

If only she allowed me to read her mind. Maybe I could pick out lyrics, even if I'm shit doing it myself. 

When Mia woke up, the sun was starting to peak out a golden colour, which made her glow. She looked like an absolute, and divine, queen. She was beautiful, and I'm so happy that we've started to become close. Her face scrunched as she looked around, and a small smile crept onto her face as she yawned.

"Good morning."

"Good morning to you." I chuckled. "Sleep well?"

"Mhm. Did you?" Mia asked, rubbing her eyes.

I shrugged. "Got a little shut eye."

"I wasn't the problem, was I?" She asked worryingly, her blue eyes wide.

I shook my head. "No, no you weren't. I just don't sleep, not my nature to."

Mia just nodded before leaning in, placing a slight kiss on my cheek. I felt my cheeks warm as she smiled, the golden light shining on her skin.

"Well, I slept like a baby. So thank you." Mia smiled.

"Y-you're welcome." I sputtered.

How fucking charming.

With a pat on my knee, she excused herself to the bathroom. I watched her walk away, and my heart started to pound.

Yup, that was it. I was falling in love with this girl, and I needed to show her. There is no fucking question about that one.

The only problem is Sully. That man is making Mia so uncomfortable about her own skin and feelings. It broke my heart when she thought I would ever break her heart. How could someone put something like that in her mind? It pissed me off. I needed to prove to both Sully and Mia that I wouldn't do anything bad.

Just what exactly? I have no fucking clue.

Everyone started to slowly wake up, and all of us were changing into our clothes for the day. I was waiting for Roger to come out of the bathroom, which was taking forever.

"Come on Rog!" I called, banging on the door. "Others have to use this bathroom as well!"

"Could you just wait fucking five more minutes!" Roger called back.

"I've been waiting for a half hour! For fucks sake-" I slammed my hand against the wall.

Mia walked passed me with a chuckle. "You know, that man takes longer than me."

I rolled my eyes, annoyed. "He's so careful on how he styles his hair that it's fucking ridiculous."

"Well, I would be too. But, lucky for me, I have hair like Brian. Don't need a lot of styling." Mia stated.

"Excuse me, but it takes some time to get my hair to look like this." Brian stated.

Mia snapped her fingers at him. "Touché, May."

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