Seventeen: Meet My Friend, Mister Natural

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"Mia! Wake up! You have to head to the studio in a hour!"

A deep groan escaped my lips as I stretched out. With my eyes barely open, I rolled over to be met with another body. I jumped up quickly, but once I saw a body, well, actually a blob of blurry flesh, I knew it was Freddie. My mind slowly replayed back to last night as a small grin plastered on my face.

From what I can see, he looks so peaceful. I've never seen Freddie so calm before. This is something I could get used to. Also, why was that the best sleep I've gotten in a long time? Also, Freddie is so fucking cute, don't judge!

"What time is it?" Freddie's voice groaned as he stretched his body.

"It's eight in the morning."

"Why are we up so early?"

"Did you not hear Sully literally yell at me?" I chuckled.

"I thought it was a dream." Freddie mumbled.

He grabbed my arm as proceeded to pull my back down onto the bed. I laughed as Freddie pressed his body against mine.

"Freddie, I have to get ready."

"Oh, Sully can wait five fucking minutes." Freddie growled as I turned around to face him.

Up close, I could kind of see his face better. His eyes were half open as a small grin played at his lips. I smiled back at him, running my hand through his tousled hair.

"Good morning." Freddie said sweetly, his voice graveled.

"Good morning." I responded, continuing to comb his hair with my fingers. "Did you sleep well?"

"I slept fantastically." Freddie smiled, his eyes flickering from me playing with his hair. "Your presence just helps me sleep."

I chuckled. "Well, I'm glad I could help. But, I have to get dressed, and so do you."

I went to get up once again but Freddie pulled me back down. I screeched as my body landed on top of Freddie's. I started to laugh as Freddie wrapped his arms around my body tightly.

"Freddie! I- We have to go soon!"

"No! You're always busy. We're staying here today."

"And what do you plan on doing all day, huh?"

"There's many things I can think of. Some include you on this bed-"

"Now that's very unprofessional, don't you think." I scoffed, trying to squirm out of his grip.

"Now since when have we been in a professional relationship?"

"Since the first day we met." I quipped.

Three loud knocks came from the door, making me jump slightly. "Mia! Are you alright?"

I heard Freddie scoff as he let me go. "I'm fine Sully."

"Okay, just making sure. I heard you yell so I came to check."

Again, I heard Freddie scoff before he mumbled something under his breath. I rolled my eyes, "I'm alright! No need to get your balls all tied up in a knot."

"My balls are perfectly fine." Sully grumbled.

That's when the door handle twisted, but the door didn't open. I locked it? When did I lock it? I don't remember locking the door last night.

"Mia! Open the door, I need to give you something."

That's when my heart started to race. He doesn't know Freddie's here! Oh god- fuck. Do I tell him?

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