Nineteen: Goodbyes Are the Hardest

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Three days later

My feet dangled over the side of the hospital bed as I kept my head low, my hands gripping the side of the bed. I was very impatient waiting for the doctor to come in to dismiss me, and it didn't help that my fight with Sully last night kept replaying in my head.

I want to go back on tour, but Sully thinks that'll hurt my health. Which is totally false, considering that it would look bad on me that I'm not continuing, even after passing out on stage. It'll leave speculations from the media and, as well, leave fans disappointed that I'm not on tour with Queen when I should be. But like Sully said, I asked for it when I went out with Matt and overdosed on some heavy shit.

And, yes, I did go see Matt. I was pissed off and I needed to get my mind off things. Instead of making a wise decision, I went back and chose the worst possible outcome.

Sully marched into my room, his long blonde hair resting on his shoulders, a scowl across his hard face. I definitely gave one back, upset and angry at him for making decisions for me without my consent.

"Have you finally decided to change your mind?" I asked.

"Change my mind on what?"

"On making me go back on tour-"

Sully sighed, running his hand down his face. "We're not discussing this again-"

"You're not being fair! Even if I'm not preforming, I should still be with the band to give them support!" I exclaimed.

"If your there, then it'll influence you to want to go back on stage. Besides, we all know Freddie's antics, he'll bring you on in the snap of his fingers."

"Don't bring Freddie into this." I growled through gritted teeth.

Sully didn't get to seem to get my memo as he took a seat in one of the hard leather seats. "Oh, but I thought you guys were on good terms?"

"Don't you ever know how to clamp your mouth shut?" I hissed.

"Don't you ever stop making bad decisions?" Sully quipped back.

Aand, you just stabbed my already open wound.

My mouth clamped shut as I looked down meekly, disappointed with myself. I know I didn't make the wisest choice, I don't want to be reminded of it. I already hate myself, how much more disgusting should be shoved against me.

"Why does it matter anyways? It's not like the band actually cares about you." Sully quipped, crossing his arms over his chest as the door opened.

The doctor finally came in, handing me a clipboard to sign then let me go. Sully had already done all the other business, which includes a meeting with Dr. Richards. You know, the asshole I mentioned before? Yeah, him.

Sully and I walked down the hallway, entered the elevator, and left the building. Jackson stood by the car, relief washing over his face when he saw us walk out the front doors. I didn't even get a proper wave of hello before paparazzi started flashing their bright lights. Sully quickly rushed over, protecting my body as we made our way to the car.

"Mia, is true you had another overdose?"

"Are you going back to rehab?"

"Will you leave us alone!" Sully snapped.

"Mia, is it true Freddie and you have a fling?"

"Freddie and I don't have anything." I replied dryly.

That seemed to be the wrong response as that caused more commotion. "Freddie was seen here the other day."

"Are you sure you two don't have anything going on?"

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