Ten: Relapse

350 15 1

¡¡W A R N I N G!!
This chapter contains some drugs and tiny tiny bit of somewhat sexual content. Be aware if you don't want to read.

July 4th, 1973
New Orleans, LA

It's the Fourth of July today and tonight I'm about to get fucked! I have a concert tonight, and I'm able high off my feet. My manager, Bill- Buddy- Bob- I don't remember, was pissed. But who cares?! I certainly don't. Matt was able to hook me up quite well tonight, which earned many things later tonight.

It's the Fourth of July baby! Independence Day! We can get on our high horses and celebrate our freedom from Britain! Those fucking Brits, always little pricks. What makes them so special anyways? Just because they have an accent doesn't mean they're special.

I need to quit, I need to quit. I really need to quit. People aren't coming tonight to see me in the rainbows. I'm not supposed to be this high. What the hell did Matt give me? This is not right.

What was I talking about?

The concert was in five minutes? Right? I think so. That's what my manager said. That goddamn manager. To be honest, he was my third this past month! No one wants to manage me! Isn't that funny? I'm so fucked up that no one wants to manage me anymore. Besides, I have a lot to handle anyways. It wouldn't even matter at this point.

Three minutes. My anxiety was coursing through my veins right now. My head was spinning, and my breathing has picked up right away. Why am I like this? What the hell did Matt give me?! This is not a fucking joke anymore!

I need to get out of my head. Stop talking, there's no one there. No one's listening, no one will ever listen to you. That crowd out there, they don't care. It's out of pity, Mia. Why would they want to see someone who's fucking up their career.

"No! Get out of my head!"

That's just it, isn't it? You want me to get out, but you won't let me escape.

"Leave me alone! I don't want you here!"

Oh Mia, Mia, Mia, Mia. What a shame? You leave your family in the slums and bring yourself to the top. Everyone loves you, you're helping out your parents. Then Matt came along.

What a nice guy Matt is, isn't he? He's able to show you what a good time is. He let you explore things that you never would've touched. Now he's your wing man. Someone you go to when you need that high. Someone who you trust, to be your drug partner that is. Or is it your sex buddy? Or how about both?

"Get out of my head!"

That's just it, Mia. I can never escape. When Matt came, I came. And now I will never be able to leave you. A beautiful creation, isn't it? I can control your mind. I say you're angry, and your temper turns.

Why the hell is everybody staring at me like that? My nose started to flare as Matt made another line for me. "Leave! I don't want you here you prat!"

"Mia, you're a minute late to the stage!" My manager snapped. "Now get the hell out there."

"They can fucking wait two more minutes." I spat, grabbing the roll from Matt.

"That's it! I quit!"

"Good riddance! I didn't need you anyways you fucking bitch!"

"Mia, will you just take this goddamn line already!" Matt spat in my face.

"I don't need it." I hissed, throwing the roll at him. "I have a show to play-"

Matt gripped my arm, pushing me harshly down onto my knees. His other hand gripped the back of my head as he pushed my face towards the white lines.

"D-do it, Mia! This is what you wanted, and I ain't fucking wasting it!" Matt yelled.

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