Twenty-Seven: It's a No From Me

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I locked my door behind me as I entered my room. Quickly, I slipped the note from my pocket as I slipped into one of the chairs. Slowly, as if it were a bomb, I opened the piece of piece of paper. 

How fucking worthless was the piece of shit. 

Scribbled onto it was written the word 'Surprise' with a little smiley face next to it. I flipped it over, trying to see if there was anything on the other side of it, but all I found was nothing. I slammed my hand against the table, getting up with force. 

"What a fucking liar!" I shouted, moving away from the table and towards the door. 

All that anticipation for fucking nothing! Fumbling with the lock, I managed to swing the door open. However, I was greeted with a blonde haired band member. 

"What seems to be the rush?" Roger asked with a sly smirk. 

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I don't what kind of game you and John are playing, but it's not fucking funny." 

Roger slipped passed me and entered my room. I slammed the door shut, following him at his heels. "You can't just fucking ignore me." 

The blondie proceeded to sit down where I just was, placing a cigarette between his teeth and light it up, taking a puff. "John told me you followed me to room 314." 

"Yes, I did! What's the big fucking deal?" I questioned with fury. 

Roger tapped some of his ashes in the tray before letting smoke escape his nose. "Did you see who was in there?" 

"No," I exclaimed, crossing my arms. "What would be the big deal anyways?"

"I'm just saying Freddie, you wouldn't like it." Roger stated plainly. 

What the fuck is he trying to get at here?  "Look, Roger, whatever act you're trying to pull here is not fucking working." 

Roger looked up. "It isn't?" 

"No, it fucking isn't." I said as I took a seat. 

"Damn, I wanted to be all detective like and shit." Roger grumbled before he took another puff. 

I rolled my eyes. "Tell me, what is going on?" 

"I... cannot tell you what is going on, but John told me-" 

"-here we fucking go," I mumbled in frustration.

"Look, John and I are just trying to take the safest route to this!" Roger defended. 

There was a knock at the door. I got up, keeping my eyes on Roger for as long as I could before answering the door. The second part of the secret gang was at the door, a sheepish grin on his face when he saw me. 

"Hello Fred." John squeaked. 

"You're other fuck buddy is in here." I responded, opening the door wider for him to step in. 

"We would've came at the same time, but I had to call Veronica." John said as he walked in. 

"Did you tell her about your little gang bang you have going on?" I quipped as we walked back into the room. 

John's face flushed pink once again as he took a seat next to Roger. "I told you it's not a gang bang." 

"I still would have joined if you were offering," I smirked, causing Roger to crinkle his nose. 

"In this situation, only one of us is interested." Roger remarked, causing John to hit his arm. 

I furrowed my eyes as Roger grumbled to himself. I shuffled myself in the chair as I looked at my two bandmates in front of me. 

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