Soft Start

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Happy 4th of July to my USA readers! I hope you all had a nice day, and remember- "we'll never be truly free until those in bondage have the same rights as you and me." Keep fighting for justice and equality. I noticed while watching Hamilton last night that we are fighting over the same issues today as we were 200 years ago, and it's time to move on. Who else has watched Hamilton? Isn't it amazing? Ahhh I loved it so much. I have an overwhelming urge to watch it again rn, but it's also 11:30 at night and my parents would be LIVID hahaha. So I'm gonna go to sleep now. Enjoy/comment/vote on this chappy! Love ya!


September 11, 2028


"Have a great day, hon," Harper tells me as I'm gathering up my things for my first day at my new job. "I can't wait to hear all about it."

I went in for an orientation yesterday, which means that I'm officially ready to get started this morning. I'm going to be working with patients who have just come out of surgeries, or have newly injured themselves, to develop a plan for recovery before they're sent to another physical therapist for their treatment plans to be executed. It seems like it is going to be an interesting job.

"You girls have a good day, too," I tell my wife, placing a quick kiss on her lips before I walk out of the door.

As I'm walking to the tube, I mentally review the route that I'm going to have to take to get to my new job. It's weird that I won't be taking the tube route that I've been used to for so long now, but it's also interesting to change things up a bit. I haven't braved the drive yet, but I'm planning on doing that in a few days. I want to be comfortable with both options so that I can alternate between them freely.

Once I arrive at the children's hospital, I make my way to the room designated for physical therapy, where I've been told I may set my things down and pick up my assignments for the day.

I also, for the first time, meet the two others who I will be working with. One of them is a girl who is probably in her late thirties called Sophie, and the other is a man who is probably around fifty called Grant.

"Patrick, correct?" Grant says, extending his hand for a handshake.

"Yeah," I reply.

"Welcome to the crew," he says. "What do you know about the ropes around here?"

"I had an orientation yesterday, so I know the general things..."

"Alright, so basically, we always check in here together at the beginning of the day, and we will have three separate lists of patients and times that we need to go and visit them. We each take one list, and our work is generally pretty individualised, but we generally check in on how the day was at the end of the day. Every now and then, a situation will arise where, for example, I'll be with a patient one day, and Sophie will go with that patient the next for a check-in before they are released, so it's good to have that communication. We generally keep our notes on each patient in file folders in this room from their first day, and we will keep them for a month or so, just in case it's needed. The three of us have access to all files, but obviously, there's patient confidentiality, so you can't go talking about it all to everyone in the world. I'm sure you're used to that."

I nod, taking in the words that Grant is saying to me.

He turns to look at the list of assignments for the day, and hands a sheet of paper to me. "This one has a few less assignments on it. I'd assume it's meant to give you a soft start on your first day."

"Awesome, thank you so much," I tell Grant, taking the piece of paper from him.

I quickly read over the list of patients who I will be working with today, and what all of the issues are.

"Those lists are always subject to change, by the way," Sophie tells me. "Obviously if somebody comes in with an injury, we can't predict that."

"Oh, yeah," I reply, letting out a small laugh.

"In that instance, it would just be whichever one of us is free and can get to that patient."

It's a hard day of work, I'm not going to lie, but I do truly enjoy it. I get to spend some time getting to know Grant and Sophie on our lunch break, and they seem nice. Even the hospital cafeteria food isn't all that bad.

At the end of the day, I exchange the information on my patients with my co-workers for the information on their patients, then we all say goodbye and start to head home.

On the tube, I text Harper that I'm coming home, and she seems to be relieved, as I know she will be wanting to get to the theatre soon.

Back home, I walk into the house to see Millie sucking on a teething toy happily in her swing, and Harper standing at the stove, cooking some pasta.

"Wow, I even get dinner cooked for me tonight," I wink at her, wrapping my arm around her waist and kissing her cheek.

"I figured that we could eat together if I got dinner started before you were home," she tells me. "I want to give you some time to take a deep breath, and I want to hear all about your new job, babe."

"It was great," I tell her. I share with her what I'm allowed to of my stories from today, and she smiles at me the whole time.

"I can tell that you're happy with this job," she says. "I'm glad."

"It's a new adventure, and I'm excited about it," I tell her. "I know that it's going to be rewarding in the end, too."

After we are done eating, Harper announces that she has to go off to her show, so she gives Millie kisses, then she does the same for me.

"Break a leg tonight," I say. "Just like I know you always do."

"Thanks, P. I'll see you later tonight."

"See you later," I say.

When she leaves the house, I know that I'm in for a very normal night. Playing with Millie, watching some kids' shows on the telly, and putting her to bed, then taking a bit of time for myself.

I usually like to read a book or catch up on my emails that I know I have to respond to. It's nice to have that time when the house is all quiet, with Millie dreaming happily and Harper at her show.

Honestly, I'll miss that in a few months. I know, though, that Harper is excited to have Les Mis done with so that she can finally have bedtime with her little girl. I don't blame her. She's growing up right before our eyes, and sometimes, I feel like if I even blink, I'm going to miss a moment with her that I'm never going to get back.

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