Chapter 11: Snowy Relaxation

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Nikolay: *Sigh* That one was the last red one...

R1s: Don't you like the yellow ones?

She said calmly picking one up from the bag and lighting it, which rapidly started sparkling like a little star.

Nikolay: Yellow is already a pretty used color, something red but not to red like these ones are just perfect

R1s: Mhh you're not wrong *chuckling*

Nikolay: Loosen quite a bit huh?

R1s: HmHm... *Staring at her stick*

Silence invaded them as they quietly enjoyed the cracking and sparkles of the stick, making a little show in the dark of the night. Slow breezes passing by them, the snow slowly melting beside them because of the warmth, the pale blue moon shining upon their peaceful silence. It was all so calm and new, even enjoyable she thought.

As her stick slowly died out R1s put the burnt stick away and took the wrapper of the lollipop putting it in her mouth before speaking.

R1s: Hey... Nikolay could we talk?... About anything really, just, talk

Nikolay chuckled as low tone okay came from his mouth and he got up taking with him the pack of firework sticks, he took the bucket of water on the other hand, and with R1s by his side they went up to the porch. Nikolay left the bucket near the door, the fireworks near the window, and himself he sat on the bench with a clear view of the hangars. R1s sat beside him looked were Nikolay was looking.

Nikolay: So... Did you enjoy yourself?

R1s: I... Yes, it was fun

Nikolay: I see you like sugary things huh?

R1s: ... I... Well... Yes... I guess we don't eat this type of thing pretty much never...

Nikolay: Hmm there's always a first time for everything I guess, you mind if I smoke?

R1s: Oh no, go ahead it's not like the officers didn't smoke at my face, I'm used to it

Before Nikolay lighted the cigarette he had in his mouth, he stopped on his tracks after hearing that and glanced at her before asking.

Nikolay: Want one?

R1s: Oh no, no I don't like smoking, I dislike it really

Nikolay: Then I won't smoke

R1s looked at him how he put away the lighter and left the cigarette in his mouth back into its box, storing both things after in a pocket.

R1s: Why...?

Nikolay: If you dislike smoking you should have told me earlier, I know how it feels when nobody takes your opinion into consideration and just do the thing, so you wanted to talk right?

R1s stared at him as he glanced at her for a moment with a smile and then looked back at the hangars, R1s had her mouth slightly open as her lips didn't quite touch between them. She wanted to say something but she couldn't articulate it with words. She gulped and sucked on her lollipop for a bit before answering.

R1s: Yeah... I wanted to thank you for what have you done really, it's been really helpful that you could help my sisters and repair them for basically nothing...

Nikolay: Well I'm taking one of your sisters with me, is that really nothing?

R1s: It's not nothing... But... Compared for what you could have asked, for what could you pick as a reward, for what you did without R3s asking you, you used a lot of resources and time to help just a group of lost dolls

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