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Chris awoke with tubes in his arms. He had found out the truth, and now they were trying to poison him.

The lizard lab they had brought him to was very hospital like, he would have almost believed it was a hospital if he wasn't in his own room. He wondered if Irene was here too, or if her refusal to succumb to the truth had kept her safe.

He ripped the tubes out of his arms – maybe a little too violently – and jumped out to the bed. He felt woozy when he stood – damn lizards were poisoning him.

"Excuse me sir, but you should stay in bed. Let me put your tubes back in," a 'nurse' said, bursting into the room. Chris stalled for a moment – maybe he was in the hospital? After all, he doubted the Anunnaki would hire such an unattractive woman. Her imperfections let him know she was a human. Who other than the NHS, desperate for staff, would hire someone with such an annoying voice?

He sat, obedient and subservient. It felt criminal for him to follow orders from such an unremarkable woman, but it was easier to follow along with her at that moment. His mind was working frantically to make sense of the events that had led him here.

The monoatomic gold had worked. He had seen the Lower Fourth Dimension. He had seen Max for what he really was.

And then that bastard had convinced Irene that he was insane. He could picture her now, crawling back to her lizard man, the dumb bitch blind to the evil Max radiates. Max would receive the blowjobs that Chris deserved. There was no justice in the world. He should've sprinkled some monatomic gold over his camera lens - then maybe he could've gotten photos of Max in his true form. Chris would've been able to write his book on the lizards and prove their existence to the world.

"My phone?" Chris asked the nurse.

"All your belongings are in the drawer," she told him as she stuck the needles back in his arm, "I'll pass you it so you don't have to move."

He only had one message:

Chris - call me when you're out of hospital. Alan.

Alan was his boss, and Chris couldn't remember any time previously where Alan had tried to contact him outside of work. Hell, Alan rarely interacted with Chris at work - it had probably been a few months since they had spoken. Chris hoped that Alan wanted to discuss his marvellous efforts to uncover the reptilian plan, and Chris' extreme dedication to the cause. He doubted this would be the case. Irene had likely given Alan a falsified account of what happened and made Chris out as the bad guy. That bitch.

Chris opened up his selfie camera. His skin was blotchy, and the hospital gown he was wearing did not flatter his sculpted features. Of course the evil bastards would want to kick him while he was down. He didn't look quite as awful as the nurse, though. The green of her tunic did not compliment her skin tone. She was too pale, pale enough to be reflective, so the green gave her a sickly edge.

"When can I leave?" Chris asked her.

"I'll go get a doctor for you." He should've known better than to expect a nurse to know anything. Well, nurse or slave to the lizard people. That was yet to be established.

The doctor wasted a disgusting amount of Chris' time. She wanted to make sure he wasn't "a danger to himself or others." This was the issue with allowing women in the medical field - they spent their time trying to talk about feelings rather than doing any real work. He wondered if this was how army veterans felt? They'd go out into the world and risk their lives for the greater good, only to return and have their mental health questioned. At least the lady doctor had confirmed to him that this was indeed a hospital, and not a lizard base. No lizard could drone on about feelings for as long as she did, so he wouldn't have to go search and rescue Irene before he left.

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