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Big mouth.

The signs had all been there. Chris couldn't believe he had been such a fool. How could he have ever been so blind? He felt ashamed, and outwitted, but he was not the only one who had made the mistake.

Irene had made his mistake too. And for Irene to have not noticed after her time with him? Chris' low opinion of her was definitely well founded - even if now for a new reason. A guilt crept over him for how close he'd been to murdering her in cold blood - but with the evidence he'd had at the time it had been the best step forward. As a chemist Irene would have understood - sometime your hypothesis is wrong and the experiment doesn't work.

Chris wasn't sure how to proceed. Maybe he should just trust his original gut instincts? Maybe Max had sussed Irene out? Maybe Max had thought Irene was a nice sweet girl and had broken up with her when he realised that she was one of the reptilian overlords trying to destroy the planet?

But these maybes were all excuses for Chris to cling to his old beliefs, he was aware of this. Chris was a logical thinker. He had to follow the evidence, even if it took him to the realisation that Irene was an innocent girl who he'd wasted so much effort grooming. It felt alien to acknowledge that Irene was one of the humans he was now trying to save.

And Max. Tall, hunky Max was evil.

Max's wide smile and friendly American accent should've given away his true identity, but instead it had lured Chris' mind into a false sense of security. He vowed he would never make a mistake like this again.

One thing was for certain though - he would need proof. Right now he knew that all he had was speculation, and he was feeling a little shaken by his recent revelation. Chris was just a man, and his recent acts with Irene had him worried that her sexual lizard powers had destroyed his rational thought, and causing him to distrust Max - an innocent human.

Maybe his mind wasn't as sharp as he thought it was? No. That wasn't true. And now wasn't a time for doubting himself. Now was a time for tuning into his instincts more than ever. After all, if he were right then Max had also believed Irene to be one of the Anunnaki. If Max, one of the reptilians, had believed that, who would have ever expected Chris to believe anything else?

A plan formed in his brilliant brain.

Here Chris was standing in a lab. A monoatomic gold research lab. There were hundreds of samples littered around every free space - no one would notice if one of them disappeared.

He walked to Irene's fume hood. Max would've taken an interest in her research, so it was likely that her samples would be the best for unleashing his brain and seeing across the dimensions.

Her vials were labeled only with date and experiment number. It was an unfortunate day for her not to be at work - he wouldn't be able to cross reference with her lab book. He picked up the vial from the previous Friday. It was the most recent and had a slight red tint. It would be his big red button to shutting down the reptilians' operation.

Now that he had his catalyst to true vision, he needed to be around Irene and Max simultaneously. Once again, it was time to appear interested in Irene.

Sucks about the headache. And that's horrible, I hope Helen was never mistreated. I made a bunch of empire biscuits last night. How about I come over to yours with them (and some old recipe Irn Bru) to help that hangover of yours?

It was a kind offer from a kind gentleman, so he knew there was no way she would refuse. Not that any woman would ever refuse him. His phone buzzed - another almost instantaneous response from the foolish girl. Her address, an invitation to come over whenever he was ready, and a smiley face. Oh, she wanted him.

The Reptilian Planजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें