Chapter 8: Girlfriend

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It's been a month since Saint and Zee talked things out and become friends. Over this month they have become significantly closer to each other and have become close friends. Saint has also gotten closer to Zee's other friends.

Saint and Zee met up almost everyday to work on Zee's studies and thanks Saint's firm teaching Zee managed to get into the top 12 in the class during Mid-term exams. This also made a popular tutor among the students. A lot of his classmates asked him to help with their work as well. Every time a student asked Saint to tutor them, you could find a sulking Zee behind a pillar planing his next espionage (ㅇㅅㅇ).

It was Monday lunch and now Saint, Mew, Blue, Gulf, Day, Krist, Singto, Dew and Zee all sat together in the cafeteria. They were all chatting and eating when people started cheering from the back. The noise only seemed to be getting louder. It was almost as if a celebrity was approaching. From between a silhouette was forming. Long legs, curvy waist, long hair and a fashionable handbag. The light was blinding. The woman kept walking towards them. By each step she was closer and closer, you could see her more clearly. Subconsciously all Zee's friends who saw her coming all stood up. Saint could see the girl but he didn't know and just continued to blankly stare. Zee turned his head around to check what all the commotion was about, only to notice that girl had reached their table and was standing right behind him. He immediately stood up at the sight of her. She jumped at him and kissed him, he kissed her back. Saint's eyes flew wide open like two moons. Mew and Gulf almost gasped too loud.

Zee: Oh... Gulf, Mew and... Saint this is Hwa, my girlfriend. Hwa, this is Gulf, Mew and... Saint new friends I made. Hwa has been on vacation and just came back.
Hwa: Hiiii! Nice to meet you guys! I'm Hwa, Zee's girlfriend (she said while kissing Zee in the cheek).

Zee felt a bit awkward and glanced at Saint who was just looking down at his food. He felt like he betrayed him... Although he did nothing. It's not like he promised him anything. There wasn't anything between them either. Yet, Zee felt this unexplainable emptiness.

The bell rang louder than ever breaking the momentary awkward silence. The first period was English, Saint and Zee would usually walked together. But Hwa's in another class and Zee decided to drop Hwa to her class first and asked Saint to head to class alone first. A little disheartened Saint left to class. While walking to class alone Saint couldn't help but feel a bit sad. He didn't expect anything out of Zee but they had gotten very close during the last month. That may have given Saint a flicker of hope that just burned out. Saint felt more distanced from Zee than ever. It wasn't the fact that his girlfriend appeared... It was just that it seemed that Zee was awkward around Saint when Hwa was around. Saint had a feeling that maybe he might just be more distanced from Zee. That thought saddened him.

Saint sat at his seat and stared out of the window in melancholic deep thought...

Author's note:
I hope that everyone wasn't too surprised with Hwa's sudden appearance. I realised that I have been updating more frequently these days. I already made three consecutive updates in I think three days? Sorry I have short and long term severe memory loss 😅😅
A huge thank you to everyone who reads my novel. It was so encouraging to see that I had 2k reads. It's wayyyy more than I ever expected. I honestly thought that a maximum of 20 people would read my story 😂😂
I never expected so many people to read my story. I feel so so happy!! You guys make my day. It makes me feel useful for once. I feel like I could achieve something for once and make some use of myself. I also know that my author's notes are horribly long but I really like sharing my feelings and thoughts with you guys (><).
Thank you so so much!!! Please leave suggestions and feedback in the comments as I always try to include your ideas!! I love you guys!! 💓💓

Under the Blanket (SaintZee)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora