Chapter 3: The 'PE class' incident

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A week later.

Saint was getting along well in class. Zee didn't really bother him either. Well, Saint did try his utmost best to avoid Zee as much as possible. That worked pretty well although there were  occasional kicking of Saint's chair by Zee, everything else was peaceful.

That day their last period was PE class. Before PE class Saint was walking past the storage rooms after collecting some basketballs for that day's lesson, when he heard a loud cry from a closed room. Saint peeped through the little glass frame on the door. In the room, on the floor was one of his classmates dressed in blood. He was wounded and bruised. There were a group of five people surrounding him.

Saint barged "Stop whatever the fuck you are doing now before I call the teachers", he shouted.

To Saint's surprise on of the guys bullying his classmate was Zee. "Well, I knew he was an ass", thought Saint to himself.

Saint moved in front of the boy on the floor protecting him. Anyone could see Zee's fury.
"You have 3 seconds to move your ass out of the way" said Zee in anger. "What are you going to do, huh?" replied Saint. One of the other boys (krist) stepped up to beat Saint up but was stopped by Zee's hand blocking the way. Zee signalled krist to move back.
"You can take him and go but don't let me see you face again" said Zee.
Saint took the limping boy and went out.

"You should have fucking beat him up, that fucking asshole!!" shouted krist.
"I'll fucking beat his ass and make go crying to his mother!" added singto.
"No one is allowed to touch him without my permission! He's my toy got it?" replied Zee shutting both singto and krist up.

"I'll show you a piece of my power saint", thought Zee to himself.

Author's note:
Sorry guys I didn't know that I had uploaded the unfinished version of the chapter. I was writing it and had to stop midway and it was saved without me knowing. But this is the finished version. I hope you like it. I know that it's a bit short and I haven't updated in such a long time (I think I last updated three days ago). I'm really sorry about it too. My life has been quite shitty these days so I was a bit caught up in things. I will upload another chapter today or tomorrow for sure!! Please feel free to leave suggestions and feedback!! I love you guys!! 💓💓

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