Chapter 1

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Hello! First of all, thank you for checking out this story. This is my second Dramione fanfiction and I hope you will enjoy it. In order to give you a better experience, I will post the second chapter immediately after this one. Without further ado, enjoy!

Draco Malfoy was back in England after three years of self-imposed exile. He had traveled the world in order to gain field experience, but also because he couldn't stand the way people were looking at him after the war ended. His father was in Azkaban to pay for his crimes and Draco, due to attenuating circumstances, escaped prison. A week after his father received his sentence, he took his things, said goodbye to his mother, and left the country in a hurry.

He came back looking the same as always on the outside. On the inside, though, he couldn't be more different. A few weeks earlier, he had applied for a Consultant Auror job at the Ministry and received his letter of acceptance the very day he got back home. Narcissa gave him the news, clutching the letter tightly into her trembling hands. She was very happy to see her son and proud of what he had achieved.

An hour later after he visited his mother and left his bags at the Manor, Draco was in a pub in Diagon Alley, waiting for his two best friends: Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott. He was enjoying his firewiskey when a voice boomed inside the small pub.

''Draco, mate, there you are!" Blaise exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. He caught Draco in a tight hug before releasing him with a jerk.

"Easy there, Blaise, or you'll end up hurting him on his first day home." Theodore said, smiling widely at his two friends. He stretched a hand towards Draco. ''Good to have you back, mate."

"Good to be back." Draco replied, shaking Theodore's hand.

"Pshaw" Blaise said, dropping onto a chair and signaling the waiter for three firewiskey. "From what I heard, our friend here is somewhat of a sensation. Not many would be able to hurt him anytime soon." He continued with a wink and a grin.

" You flatter me, as always." Draco mocked.

"How were your travels?" Theo asked, leaning forward on his seat, genuinely interested.

"Hmm... adventurous." Draco said after pondering for a moment. "Some of the sceneries were quite splendid, especially in Asia. It's quite a different world there entirely."

"So, what did you do all this time?" Theo asked.

"After a year of training and gaining information, I started helping Aurors from different Ministries in catching Dark Wizards."

"What an irony, wouldn't you say?" Blaise said pointedly.

"I'm actually surprised they let you do that. After all that has happened I mean..." Theo's words trailed off at the look on Draco's face.

Draco was staring down into his glass. Theo was right. He had been surprised the Aurors had eventually trusted him enough to allow him access to cases and to work alongside them. But after a year of hard work, trying to prove his commitment and worth, they slowly started to see him in a different light. Using a former Dark Wizard to catch others like him was something even Dumbledore had done. Also, being in different places, where people didn't know all the details of his past, made things easier.

"It's only a Consultant position." Draco finally said, looking up at his two friends, straining himself to give them a smile. "But I like it. It allows me to have flexible working hours and to travel a lot. It's a dream job."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say mate." Blaise said, gulping his drink. "I still think you could have been a full-time Auror if you wanted to."

"It's not too late, Blaise. He still has time to decide what he wants to do." Theo said, giving Blaise a scolding look. "So, is everything settled at the Ministry? Have they written to you yet?" he turned to Draco.

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