Memories *Filler*

Start from the beginning

"Rima, why won't you sleep?"

"Want to see 'Tachi!" the young girl grumbled back as she stood on the bed and bounced slightly. Against her wishes, Yuri's lips twitched at the sight of such a child-like action. She feared for her daughter, having to grow up quicker than other children. Already, her little girl was being trained to be a fighter, already she was being forced to live a lie. All because of her mother's heritage and the linage she passed on. There were times when Yuri wondered what it would have been like to not hide her identity, to let her daughter grow up surrounded by her clan and family but each time she shook the thoughts away knowing full well the reasons why she couldn't. It wasn't safe.

"Mama?" the little girl voiced, her movements stilling as she noticed the faraway look in her mother's eyes. Rima stumbled across the bed to her mother and framed her soft cheeks with her small hands. As Yuri blinked back into the present she smiled at her daughter and found her heart swelling with love as her little girl leaned in and kissed her nose, much like what Yuri would do to her.

"I love you baby girl," Yuri whispered gathering her daughter in a tight hug as tears blurred her vision. Rima snuggled into her mother's warm embrace and stayed silent even as she felt a wetness touch her head.

Recently life was not simple for Yuri or Kakashi. Both were important ninja for the village and it resulted them being away from their daughter for longer than they wanted. There were often times when they would both be gone at the same time and when a friend would have to take care of their little girl. More often than not Mikoto would take her in and there Rima would go with Itachi when he trained. Already keen to learn from her superior. Though there were times when the Uchiha's couldn't take Rima and so she was left into the caring hands of Ibiki, a man who under other circumstances would strike fear into the hearts of parents at the thought of the interrogator looking after a child. But he held a soft spot for Rima, after all he had been the sensei of her mother.

"Let us get you dressed," Yuri said slowly, reluctantly breaking the hug with her daughter. She had a constant fear, a nagging worry in her heart that her time with her child would not be as long as she hoped. She never spoke it allowed, never let Kakashi know of her dark thoughts because she knew he would force her to quit the ANBU, not that he hadn't already tried. But Yuri was a stubborn woman and she would be damned if she gave up her missions. She had to continue, she had to destroy any threats to the village, and more importantly, any threats to her daughter.

Clad in a dark blue dress, Rima raced down the stairs as quickly as her little legs would take her away from her mother and the horrid thing she called a brush. Yuri yelled for her daughter to be careful as she followed her before her husband darted out of nowhere and snagged the squealing girl before she could dash out the door.

"I got you Rima," he teased carrying her into the kitchen where he placed her on his lap at the table. Yuri walked in after giggling at the annoyed look that crossed her daughters face before passing the brush and hair clip to Kakashi.

"No fair, you cheated," Rima grumbled pouting and watching her mother as she moved around the kitchen preparing breakfast.

"You must always be aware of your surroundings, Rima. Enemies lurk everywhere and can jump out anytime," Kakashi explained, raising a brow at the unhappy look his wife gave him. He knew she didn't approve of him and the others training Rima so young but she needed it. It was for her own safety that he allowed it, that he encouraged her to go with Itachi to watch him train.

Rima winced as her father began to run the brush through her hair. Or at least he tried to. The little girl always seemed to manage to turn her straight locks into a knotted mess after a night's sleep and brushing them became a challenge for everyone.

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