Chapter One

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"This is the story of a girl, who cried a river and drowned the whole world..."

I sang along in my car. Trying my best to sound decent, even though I was riding solo. Who would cry a river? Seriously? I think she needs therapy.. (in my opinion).

"And while she looked so sad in photographs, I absolutely love her- when she smiles."

So, this guy only likes this chick when she's smiling? What about when she's not? Does he even care about her personality? I turned off the radio before I started ranting about this song and took out my iPhone. I instinctively went to one of my social networking apps. Most of my friends call me a 'social butterfly' but I'm sure my thousands of Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook followers would disagree. The internet was my best friend and my source of freedom in this hecktic world. You could be whatever you want, even someone you're not... As I was scanning instagram,


My car careened before I gained control and pulled over. Panicking, I got out and scanned the area. Then, I walked over to the middle of the road.

Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap.

I just hit a freaking cat! Does this mean I'm a killer? Poor kitty! I got out my iPhone to tweet "Just hit a cat.. Does this make me a murderer?" When I looked at my iPhone in disgust, this is the object that distracted me! I wasn't paying attention and I could have at least spared this cat a life. I shoved my iPhone in my purse and walked back to my car. Suddenly, I spotted someone squatting in the grass staring at me, then he ducked. Nervously, I ran into my car and sped away. Purposely going over the speed limit.

What had that man been doing there? Was he spying on me? I remember he had dirty black hair and black eyes. His skin was very tanned from the sun and he had a long scar above his right eyebrow. I wondered what could have caused that huge scar, a car accident maybe?

Thoughts of wonder filled my mind as I came to a red light. I looked in my mirror to fix my make-up when another pair of eyes were looking at me from behind. I screamed and jumped out. Then, the back door of my car opened and out came..

"Jason? What the heck were you doing? You gave me a heart attack!" I screamed at my dark haired cousin.

"Wow, it took you awhile to notice me," he winked.

"Seriously? What is wrong with you? If we weren't related I would have taken you straight to the police."

"But you wouldn't anyway, because I'm just that handsome," he winked again. I rolled my eyes.

"Let's get going home," I suggested.

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