Chapter Thirteen

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"He's what?"

Was anything that Austin told me even true? Wow. I guess I should have expected this, though. I am in some random store with somebody I only got to know in a day. I briefly wondered what was true that Austin told me.

"Yup. Everything he said was a lie," Sam informed me. Well, that answers my question.

"Why?" I questioned sadly.

"Because you have something we want, girly," Sam sneered.

What could they want from me? I racked my brain for something worthy of their attention. Nothing came up.


"Oh nothing, I just wanted to say that." Sam, Austin and the rest of the goons all laughed. I just sat there. That wasn't even funny.

"Okay then..." I muttered.

"This is all a game," Sam started.

"And you're the only one playing it," Austin finished.

I found myself saying 'what' for what seemed like the hundredth time. I didn't get a response though, because soon I found myself dazing off into a world of black.


 *~ JUSTIN'S P.O.V. ~*

I called Morgan's cell phone right after school. My mom called me and said she couldn't run errands because she had to stay late at work. I tried finding Morgan after school but she was already gone. I had a bad feeling about this shop.

Morgan didn't answer. I called a few more times and she still didn't pick up. I waited an hour then called again. Still no answer. I started jumping to conclusions. What if that Sam guy found her? What if she's been kidnapped?

"No, stop thinking about bad things," I scolded myself.

I dialed Emily's number that I got awhile ago.

"Hello?" Emily sounded distracted.

"Emily, do you have a few minutes to talk?"

"Oh yeah, sorry. I was saying goodbye to my boyfriend, Henry. Hold on, like 2 seconds," I heard a few goodbyes and what sounded like a kiss. Morgan told me that Emily's boyfriend's name was Alex. Weird...

"When was the last time you talked to Morgan?" I asked.

"Uhh, yesterday."

"Oh, that's not good."


"Did she ask you to go to some weird Halloween shop with her?"


"She went there alone?"

"What? Why didn't anyone go with her?"

"I had plans, but then they were canceled! I called her a billion times but she never picked up."

"Oh... What can we do, though? I'm sure she's fine and you'll see her at school tomorrow."

"Okay, whatever you say," I mumbled. I decided that I'll drive to the store and see if she's still there and okay.

I drove around for twenty minutes trying to find the tiny shop. I had to go downtown during rush hour and traffic was terrible. Also, I could not find a parking space. Then, I had to walk around looking for the shop. It didn't have an outside sign, so I had to walk into random stores and check. Finally, after twenty minutes of hopeless searching, I found it.

It looked awesome. The door was spooky and old, and it creaked when I opened it. I opened the door to find a deep, dark staircase. I crept down it like I saw in movies. I decided to go into detective mode, just in case Morgan was really in trouble. I quickly checked my phone to see what time it was. Six- fifty. The shop closed in ten minutes. So, Morgan's probably not here.

I approached the door at the bottom of the stairs. I grasped the handle and slowly opened it. Making sure not to make a sound. I opened it enough to see the purchase desk. At first, all I could see was some blond haired kid, then a girl with gorgeous black hair appeared. All I could see was the back of her head. She was laughing about something with him, and he was laughing, too. You could see how much he liked her in his eyes. She seemed to like him too because she was standing really close to him. I hoped Morgan and I looked as good of a couple as the people I was looking at now. I was going to walk into the store when the mysterious girl turned her head slightly. Just enough for me to see her face.

I nearly slammed the door (but being the good detective I am, I didn't). A sharp pain of jealousy shot through me. How dare she come to some shop without me or anyone. How dare Morgan flirt with some mysterious boy. I thought we had something. I guess I was wrong.

I ran up the stairs and into the cool night. I wanted to cry, I felt like crying, but I couldn't. I was angry and frustrated and upset. The only thing ringing in my mind was the word revenge. It kept repeating, and repeating, and repeating.




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