Chapter Ten

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"What just happened?" Jason nearly shouted.

"Hey man, calm down," Justin replied.

"Yeah, Jason. It's okay. You got Morgan to protect you," Emily cooed.

"Oh stop it, you know that's not what I meant," Jason shot back.

"The- the stalkers. How- how did they find me," I stuttered.

"Morgan, relax. Take a deep breath. We're here to look out for you," Justin told me calmly as he took my hand into his, "Close your eyes and try to fall asleep."

"Okay," I mumbled.

"Aww, aren't they so cute," I heard Emily say.

"Yeah, almost as cute as baby koalas," Jason sarcastically replied.

"Oh, shut up. You're just jealous you don't have a girlfriend."

"Nah, I like riding solo."

"Please don't sing that song you kno-"

"I'm lovin' cloud nine! My head's in the sky!" and all I heard was Jason's terrible singing before I floated into a deep sleep.


I woke up with a start. My heart was beating fast and a fine line of sweat was present on my forehead.

"Morgan, we're at your house now. It's okay, don't look so worried. You're safe," I heard a familiar voice say.

I recalled the past few events and shuddered.

"Can you stay with me? I don't want to be alone," I nearly whispered.

"We'll all stay with you," Justin said and Emily and Jason agreed.


We were in my garage. My parents were gone so nobody was home. I walked inside and went straight to the kitchen where I found a note.

Hi Morgan,

I hope you had a good time at the concert. Your father and I went out to see a play in the neighboring state. Feel free to have your friends stay over.

Signed, mom.

Justin read the note and then followed me up to my room. By then, I was fully awake.

"Nice room," Justin complimented.

"Thanks," I said.

"So, what was your nightmare?" questioned Jason.

"It's a long story."

"And we have all night."

I was in a school. My school. In the science room, which is my favorite room in the whole school. Only one light was on. The windows were black and the door was sealed shut. I was sitting at my teacher's desk and my stalkers were sitting in the student desks. I panicked. Then they got up and walked toward me. Three. Three of them started pounding on me. The worst part was that I couldn't hit back, no matter how hard I tried. My punches were in slow motion and had no effect on them at all. I was helpless.

When I finished, Emily, Jason and Justin looked dumbstruck.

"That's... terrible!" Emily exclaimed.

"Yeah," Justin agreed as he got up and hugged me. I hugged back, but he never let go. I don't know how long we sat there because eventually I fell asleep.


I woke up, peacefully this time. Everyone else was asleep. Justin's arms were around me and we were on top of my comforter. Jason and Emily had some of my blankets and were lying on the floor asleep. I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up so I wouldn't look bad when Justin woke up. I went downstairs and made breakfast for everyone. When I was finished it was only eight.

I looked at my phone for the first time in what seemed like ages.

Three missed calls.

Three voicemails.

Two calls were from my mom and one was an unknown number. I checked my voicemail. The first two were my mom telling me that they will be home at eleven. The last voicemail was very weird. It was static, and it didn't stop either. I listened to it for six minutes and it never stopped. I eventually deleted it, figuring that it was going to end soon. I started to walk upstairs when the door bell rang.

I made my way to the door and swung it open. Standing there was someone I would have never expected. The man with the long scar above his right eyebrow. He was smiling. Immediately, I tried to slam the door but he stuck his foot in at the last second.

"Go away or I'll scream," I warned.

"Relax, I won't hurt you," he replied coolly, "I just want to tell you something, Morgan."

"Uh, okay."

"My name's Sam," and with that he turned around and walked away. Leaving me dumbstruck.


Sorry for the short chapters! I will try and write longer ones, but that's really hard for me. cx Haha. Anyways, please vote and comment. :) It means a lot to me!

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