Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up feeling like crap. Since when was my bed so cold and hard? I rack my brain for answers, then it hits me. I was with Sam, and he knocked me out. How pathetic am I? I can't even defend myself. So much for martial arts class.

I take a look at my surroundings. There is a small window, showing little light, the only light in the room. It's a rectangular room with a door on one wall. I walk over to the door and twist the handle. It takes all my strength to open it, but I finally manage it. I walk out into a very dark hall, but not dark enough since I can still see ahead of me. I start walking to the left. Eventually it gets so dark that I can't see my hand in front of my face. I keep walking anyways.

I imagine myself walking and walking. Until I get to a door. I swing open the door into a beautiful garden. I walk around the garden until I realize that I'm in the backyard of my own house. I run to the back door and open it. My parents are sitting in the kitchen, drinking coffee and reading. They must have just woken up. They look up at me.

"Oh Morgan! We've missed you so much! Where have you been? Justin said you've gone missing!" exclaimed my mother.

My mom and dad pull me into a deep, warm hug.

I smile, when all of a sudden I run into something hard.

"Ow," I mumble. I ran into a wall. Rubbing my nose, I turn right and keep walking. After about ten minutes, I see a rectangle of light. A door! I sprint towards it. When I get there, I realize it looks a lot like the Halloween shop's door. Excited, I swing it open. I squint, blinded by the light, until my eyes adjust.

I gasp.

Sam and Austin are standing in the middle of a big room, surrounded by big men. What was even more scary, was that the men were wearing masks. Horribly creepy masks.

"Darn it," Austin grumbled.

"I told you so," Sam smirked.

"Uhh..." I stuttered.

"Hello Morgan," Sam said.


"I hope you didn't like the room I picked for you to sleep in."

"Whatever. Where am I?"

"My basement."

"Wha-what?" I gasped again.

"It's big, isn't it?" he smirked.

"That's not the point. Why am I here? Just let me go."

"No can do."

"Nice try, idiot," Austin growled. How did he act so nice just hours ago? Or days ago? I didn't even know how long I've been out. But it didn't matter now. I'm probably never going to get out.

"Anyway," Sam drawled, "You're going to be here for awhile, so might as well get comfy. We will explain everything later."

"Wha-" I started but was knocked out again.


 *~ AUSTIN'S P.O.V. ~*

Sam took a deep breath in, then out. I looked around at the group in disgust. I really didn't want to be there, doing bad things, bad stuff. I had big hopes in going to college and getting a degree in law. I had it all set up. I even had a scholarship! But no, my dad had to drag me into this mess. Said I didn't need college. Sam became obsessed with this random girl he saw one day. I hated Sam. I hated everyone, but I knew I couldn't do anything about it. Or can I...

"Austin!" Sam shouted.

"What!" I shot back, irritated.

"Were you even listening?"

"No," I stated.

"You idiot," Sam mumbled, "Anyway. We were planning on killing the girl, but first taking her to her parents. Then, we'll tell them that we will give her back if they pay us some money. A lot of money. How does that sound?"

My dad has officially lost it. I always thought he was just crazy, but this is insane. I actually liked Morgan. In the few hours I got to know her, she seemed cool. Actually, cooler than cool. She was understanding and actually seemed to listen to my lies. Then, when she found out I was Sam's son, I had to pretend to hate her. It killed me.

"Well?" Sam questioned.

"I don't care what you do," I replied.

Honestly, I did. But I pretended not to care because I had a plan.

A plan.


A few hours later, after everyone left and my dad was asleep in his bedroom, I snuck downstairs into the basement where Morgan was. I had to search around for her room, because the basement was so big. Eventually I found it.

"Morgan?" I whispered.

"Austin?" she replied. She sounded tired, like she was up all night, crying.

"C'mon," I said, opening her door that my dad had recently locked.


Whoa! New update! Sorry I haven't updated in a looooong time. I'm really busy with basketball, and now track. :O I'll be busy for the rest of my school year. Please don't expect lots of updates. Sorry! :$ Anyways, thanks for all the continued support! Remember to vote! I also love comments. <3

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