Chapter Nine

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I glare at Jason and Emily. I can't believe a bra was flung in Justin's face, disturbing our almost kiss. I got a feeling of déjà vu but shrugged it off. I guess I should have expected something like that to happen. Jack always leaves his concerts with an armful of bras. I look over at Justin. He looked sheepish and was watching the band intently.

I thought about my Justin-filled childhood that I don't remember at all. I do remember a dark haired boy that I would do everything with. Now that I think about it, I do remember a Justin in my life. We would always play hide and seek. I always lost because I had to go pee. I chuckled silently to myself.

Twenty musical minutes later, All Time Low ended and everyone was slowly heading out. My group of friends decided to wait until mostly everyone was gone.

"How did you guys like the concert?" questioned Justin.

"It was awesome," we all responded.

"Yeah, I loved when they played 'Dear Maria Count Me In'," Emily stated.

"Me too! It was funny when Jack was trying to hug Alex," Jason chirped.

"Haha, yeah. That was really funny," I put in.

"Yeah, thanks again for the tickets, Morgan!" Justin smiled at me.

"Anytime," I smiled back. I took a look around, everyone was gone but us.

"Hey guys, maybe we should start heading o-" I started but was cut off when someone suddenly said, "Man, look at all these bras I got!"

All of us turned our heads toward the stage where the voice had come from. To our surprise, Jack was onstage talking to Alex and Rian. Jack suddenly turned toward us, "Hey! You guys are still here?"

We walked up to the stage, "Yeah! We were waiting for the crowd to leave but got carried away," Emily responded.

"Well good thing you did, 'cause you guys got to meet us!" Alex exclaimed.

I was too star struck to say anything.

"Hey, you okay?" Rian asked me. I guess my jaw was on the floor.

"Y-Yeah, you guys are a-a-mazing!" I half shouted.

"Thanks," Alex smiled at me.

"I love you," I blurted, "I-I mean I-"

"She loves me!" Justin cut me off.

"You guys are a cute couple," Rian informed us.

"Thanks," Justin said coolly.

"What?" I looked at Justin but he just smirked. We talked some more about random things and Jack told us a bunch of funny stories about the band. Eventually, Zack came over and yelled at them that they had to go to an after party. We left after that.

"That was awesome!" exclaimed Jason once we were outside.

"Yeah," we all chorused. We started walking to where my car was, which was across the street because I didn't want to pay for parking. Unfortunately, we had to walk through an alley to get there. To make matters worse, it was eleven o'clock and super dark out, aside from the street lights.

I walked closely to Justin and shuddered. He noticed and put his arm around me. I saw my car and started to relax. I spoke too soon because just as I thought those words, a strong arm gripped my wrist.

"Hey!" I started but stopped cold. I blinked at the face in front of me and had a sudden urge to scream.

Standing in front of me was the man with the long scar above his eyebrow.

He stood much taller than me and had an evil smirk on his face. He still gripped my wrist tightly.

"Let. Go." I demanded.

"No can do," the strange man replied coolly.

"Whatever," I smiled then kneed him where the sun doesn't shine. I broke my wrist free and ran. I heard three other pairs of feet and guessed that Emily, Jason and Justin were following. I was almost out when I ran into a tough pair of shoulders. Two large hands were placed on my shoulders.

"Good try, but not good enough," the man said. For the second time that evening, I brought my foot up to his private parts and he instantly let go. He grabbed me foot, but I just took my other one and slammed it down on his head. I turned into another guy who tried to grab me with both arms, but I just ducked. Then I side kicked him in the side of the head and ran again. Five years of martial arts really paid off.

I made it to my car where Emily and Jason were getting in. I hopped into the back seat because Justin was in the driver's seat. I also didn't want to waste time running to the passengers side. Justin sped off before I even properly got in the seat. I looked to the alley we were just in and noticed the man with the scar standing half in the shadow, half in the street light.

You could only see the side of his face with the scar.

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