Chapter Five

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Another long week of school awaits me. I fall out of bed. Too tired to stand up, I crawl to my closet. Emily and I really shouldn't have gone rock climbing yesterday. My everything hurts really, really bad.

After my piano recital last week, I got a week off of school because the teachers went on strike. A really unsuccessful strike that just made their paycheck go lower. Now I have to go and face school again.

I chose a blue and green striped sweater, with gray skinny jeans. I noticed that I still have an hour until school and it only takes me twenty minutes to eat and brush my teeth. I feel like I have all the time in the world.

After I ate and brushed my teeth, I went on my laptop for a little bit. First, I checked my Facebook notifications. Nothing exciting was on there, but after two minutes of pointless Facebook scrolling, I got a message.

Justin Williams: Hey Morgan

Me: Hey! What's up?

Justin Williams: Nothing, what about you?

Me: Just killing time

Justin Williams: Well you better stop or we won't have any time at all. ;)

Me: Hahaha, good one.

Justin Williams: Yeah. :P Anyway, did you get my flowers?

Me: Yeah! Thank you so much, they're lovely. :)

Justin Williams: You're welcome! So, what are you doing Friday?

Me: Nothing, I never do anything. Haha, forever alone if you know what I mean.

Justin Williams: Okay >:)

Me: Why?

Justin Williams: Nothing >:P I have to go to school now, bye.

Me: What? Tell m-

Justin has logged off.

Why did Justin suspiciously ask me that?! Now I really want to know. I looked at the clock and just as Justin had said, it was time for school. I slowly walked downstairs to my car and thought of all the possible reasons Justin wanted to know my plans for Friday. Did he need me to tutor him in something, and Friday was his only available day? Was he just trying to make conversation? Did he want to go on a date with me? No. No, no, no. That was impossible. He doesn't like me like that. Or does he?

When I got to school, I spotted Tori sitting on a bench with Kate in the courtyard.  Tori was munching on a green pepper while Kate seemed to be doing some last minute homework. I jogged over to them.

"Hey guys!" I greeted the two.

"Oh, hey Morgan. Wasn't it awesome that we got a week break?" Tori said while spitting up some green pepper. Embarrassed, she blushed.

"Yeah! I didn't do much though, " I responded

"That sucks. Well, I went on a little trip to Lake Michigan. But I didn't have time to do anything else! Hence the reason I'm doing my homework now. Why did we get so much homework last week?" complained Kate.

"Maybe you should have made time for it! Stop complaining," Tori said.

"Whatever," Kate mumbled.

"Well, I'm going to go to my locker now..." I excused myself. I went through the front doors and down the senior hallway to where my locker was. When I got there, my locker was already opened. Panic coursed through me. Why was my locker open? I slowly opened the door and taped to it was a very familiar old, yellowed note. I felt the color drain from my face. I grabbed it and ripped it open. In small, neat handwriting it read: I see that you ignored my last note. I'm going to stay true to my word, trouble is on your way. You have no more chances to right this wrong, just be on the lookout for us.

I sucked in a breath, not again! I shoved the note into my pocket and quickly grabbed my books. I turned around to go to homeroom when I walked straight into someone's hard chest.

"Oomph," I muttered into the chest.

"Oh, sorry Morgan!" a voice said.

"It's okay..." I responded, stepping back and looking up at the face. Relief flooded throughout me. "Justin!"

"Hey," he smirked.

"Why did you want to know what I was doing on Friday?" I blurted out, instantly covering my mouth with my hand.

"Oh, yeah. About that..."


"Morgan, do you want to go on a date with me?"

My jaw hit the floor. I was right! He wanted to go on a date!

"Well?" he questioned, obviously embarrassed, "I understand if you would rather be forever alone on Friday," he awkwardly joked.

"Of course!" I quickly responded.

"Of course what?"

"Of course I'll go on a date with you," I smiled sheepishly. My first date.

"Okay," he cutely smiled back, "I'll text you the plans."

"Okay!" I responded as he walked away with a wave. Wow, my first date! I couldn't believe this was happening. I guess Emily and Jason were right. I excitedly walked to homeroom.

The rest of the day went by fast because of my excitement. When school let out, I immediately dialed Emily's phone number. She picked up on the second ring.

"Emily!" I exclaimed.

"Hey! I was just going to text you. Guess what?"

"Justin asked me out on a date!" I blurted out, "Wait, sorry. What?"

"What? That's awesome! I have the same news! Do you remember Alex?"

"Yeah! The sweet blonde kid?"

"Yeah! Well he asked me out too!"

"No way! That's awesome! When?" I questioned.

"Friday!" she responded.

"Me too!"

"We should double date!"

"Well, maybe not. Justin and Alex don't know each other. It would be pretty awkward. Plus, it's my first date, so I want it to be special." I pointed out.

"Oh, right. Well, I have to go. Bye!" Emily excitedly said as she hung up. It was awesome that she had a date on Friday as well.

I sped home, excited to tell my mom the news. When I got home, I rushed to the kitchen. On the table was a note. It read:

Hi honey, sorry I'm not home. I had to go buy food. This was supposed to be a surprise, but here are some concert tickets for you, Emily, Jason and one more friend.

What? I picked up the note and underneath were four All Time Low concert tickets for the House of Blues. All Time Low! One of my favorite bands. It was for Saturday, which was perfect. I also knew who else I wanted to take.

Could this day have gotten any better?

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