Chapter Eleven

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The door creaked open, giving me a heart attack.

"Morgan?" a tired voice called out.

"Yes Jason?"

"I'm hungry."

"Then come down and get breakfast!"

"Make me," then Jason walked back into my room, slamming the door in the process.

"What the heck," I mumbled.

I jumped up the stairs, skipping steps, until I got to my door. I slowly cracked it open. Inside, Jason was laying on top of Justin while Justin squirmed underneath. I giggled. Jason was pretending to sleep and wouldn't bulge.

"Hey man, get off of me!" Justin screamed into Jason's ear.

"Hmmuhhumm," Jason pretended to say sleepily.

"You better get off, or you'll regret it," Justin said dangerously.

"Nope," Jason smirked with his eyes closed.

"Okay," Justin grinned evilly. Then, Justin stood up as Jason rolled to the hard floor.

"Ow!" Jason yelled as I laughed really loud. Justin looked at me and smiled. I tried pushing the door open to get in but something was blocking it. I pushed the door harder.

"Ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" a voice from below whimpered.

I stuck my head in the slightly open door, only to see Emily laying on the floor. Her head was what was blocking the door.

"Oh my gosh, Em. I'm so sorry!" I apologized as I squeezed in through the door.

"Oww," she moaned.

"Oww," Jason also moaned.

"You guys got more hurt here than what happened last night," Justin tried to joke. I smiled sadly. That would have been funny if that issue wasn't so serious to me.

"Morgan, bring up the breakfast for the hurt people," Jason ordered.

"Nope. Your legs aren't broken," I said meanly.

"Ugh," Emily and Jason chorused.


After everyone ate breakfast, they left. Noticing I was still in my pajamas, I changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt. My parents usually weren't home until one and it was only twelve, so I decided to do some research on Sam.

I sat down at my desk and opened my laptop. When I opened the internet, it went to my e-mail. Notifications told me I had five new e-mails. Two from Emily, one from my mom and one spam e-mail. The last one was very weird, though. It was from an e-mail that I didn't recognize and I knew it wasn't spam. There was no message or subject, just an attached file. Hesitantly, I downloaded it.

It was a video. A very weird video, I might add. Nobody was in it (at first) and the only sound was static. It was a bunch of floating images, very dark images, like shadows. Then, it went to a picture of the alley that I was attacked.

I shuddered.

Then, people started to appear. Strange people. What was weirder was that they were wearing masks, Halloween masks. There was Jason, Freddie and the scream. Also, people with make-up like Jeff the Killer were there too. After that, the video ended. I was very confused. Why would someone send me that? What was their intention, to scare me? If that was it, then they did a very good job.

I deleted the e-mail but saved the video. I'll show it to Emily, Jason and Justin later. Now, I have to find out more about this guy named Sam. I'm sure I won't find anything, because the only thing I know about him is his name and what he looks like. Keeping this in mind, I looked up "Sam scar above eyebrow" on google. Stupid things like "How can I remove this scar above my eyebrow?" and "My make-up doesn't cover my scar" showed up. Nothing about him. I should have suspected this. Those men are so secretive and I'm all out in the open. Man, am I stupid or what?

To lighten up the mood, I listened to music and went on Facebook. Mindlessly scrolling through whatever was on my news feed. One article caught my eye, though. It was an ad for a store that sells high-end Halloween masks and stuff like that. What's weird is that it's not a big store like "Halloween City" or something. I clicked the link and got the address. Tomorrow, I was going to go there.

I decided to call Emily, Jason and Justin and ask them if they wanted to come with me.

"Hey Emily, do you want to investigate this weird Halloween store with me tomorrow?"

"Sorry, I can't. I have another date with Alex tomorrow after school!"

"Oh, okay. Have fun then."

I called Jason.

"Hey Jason, hang out tomorrow?"



"Because I don't like you."

"What?" What was he talking about? I didn't even do anything!

"Haha, just kidding! I love you Morgan, but I spend too much time with you. Bye!" he said, then hung up. Jason was so weird sometimes. Actually, all the time. I dialed Justin's number. Hopefully he would go with me.

"Hey Justin, want to go to a weird Halloween store with me tomorrow after school?"

"Aww, I'd love to!" Finally, somebody said yes, "but, I have to run errands with my mom." Or not.

"Oh... okay then. See you tomorrow."

"See ya," I could hear him smiling from the other line.

I guess I have to go by myself.

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