thirty two

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𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓─────⊹⊱✫⊰⊹─────

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The idea of taking one's own life still makes me uncomfortable, especially because I'm the one doing it. No matter how many times I refuse to perform my mission, the general and others always threaten me. I'm well aware that I'm not particularly strong. I'm well aware of my frailty. I'm quite aware that I'm also not very good. But doing anything bad will ensure that I will never be good. This isn't what I originally intended to do. I agreed to guard rather than kill. It goes against all logic.

"Bring her in cold,"

Every time that line echoes in the back of my mind, my body flinches. My fingers clench around the gun, and my index finger presses down on the trigger, causing my hands to quiver. However, the prospect of pointing the gun towards Y/N makes my stomach turn.

"It's an order!"

I closed my eyes and averted my gaze in the hopes of ignoring the recall. I let out an uneasy grunt as I clutch the knife with one hand and the fork in the other, and I stop cutting the steak that had been placed on my plate. I silently urge the voices to be quiet and leave me alone for just this one night, and it appears that everyone at the table is aware of my discomfort.

"Are you all right, Jimin?" Doctor Y/L/N inquires as he takes a break from his work to check on me.

I drank down and gave him a quick nod before continuing to chop my steak into bite-sized pieces. "I'm fine, thank you,"

"Are you sure?" Father asks as he looks over at me.

I nodded once more and feigned a grin before puncturing a square piece of steak with my fork and devouring it. "I'm certain. Oh, and this steak is cooked to perfection. Thank you so much," I responded, attempting to change the subject.

"I'm glad you're enjoying your lunch," says Doctor Y/L/N, smiling back. "Don't be afraid to ask for more. Chef Daniels, our cook here, would be pleased to prepare another feast for the Park family," he says, laughing softly. "He's a huge supporter of the MWT firm. He feels your effort is outstanding, and that it is actually more beneficial than the government."

Then I sensed another person's gaze on me. I look in the direction I thought it was coming from, only to see Y/N give me a cold stare before returning her gaze to her own plate of food.

She did, however, appear exhausted and anxious.

"So, Doctor Y/N, I've heard a lot of amazing things about APEX!" Father expresses himself. She gives him a smile as she looks over at him. "I'd love to know your future steps in such a fascinating endeavor," he continues.

She chuckles. "Well, there have been a few issues with the placement, wiring shape, and letting the relic get used to absorbing at least 2.4 million data under twenty four hours. We hope to decrease the hours and make it run faster, but sometimes the relic would overrule the data and wipe it clean, while in other parts it is performing exactly what we wanted."

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