9. Alone

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Beast boy's POV:
'Just kiss her already! She's right there'
I sighed nervously and leaned in.
I closed my eyes and felt her soft lips.
'Oh my god'
It was a soft cute kiss. I felt like a mess, everything inside me felt like it was about to explode. My heart danced across my chest and my face was a bright red. I felt dizzy and pulled away for air.
I gasped. "That... was... awesome"
She laughed. 'Oh my god. She laughed.'
I blushed again if that's even possible and leaned in.
This time I kissed harder. And she did too. Our lips moved in perfect harmony. My hand automatically moved to her cheek and she smiled.
After 10 seconds she pulled away.
She smiled again and grabbed my hand.
"Let's go", she said guiding me inside.
I sighed happily.
"Is this a dream? Cause if it is I don't wanna wake up"
She laughed again and kissed my cheek.
I blushed and smiled.
"It's not a dream Gar", she laughed.
I laughed with her. 'This is the best day ever!'
3rd person POV:
"We did it", robin gasped.
"Yes! Go BB!", cyborg yelled happily.
"Oh the friend beast boy and friend raven are the cute-est!", starfire squealed.
"Now we should head back to the tower", robin nodded proudly. "Teen titans GO... to the tower!", he announced.

I'm sorry this is so shitty. I lost my inspiration and tried ending this story... sorry :(

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